>I could not get dhcpcd to work on 2.1.90, but I could manually 
>configure the ethernet with the proper IP and communicate with the 
>local network and the world.

Hmmm.. that's odd.  What version of dhcpcd are you running?

>What happens is that idle connections that go across the gateway 
>will close.  If I telnet or ssh from the linuxppc machine to a 
>host on the internet, and then go idle for about 10-15 minutes, 
>the connection will drop.  

The classis TCP timeout issue:

        Run this command just after you setup your IPFWADM MASQ

        echo "Extending MASQ timeouts.."
        /sbin/ipfwadm -M -s 7200 10 120

BTW, if you haven't checked it out, check out my TrinityOS document.
Its a HOWTO for setting up MASQ, DHCP, dual nics (cablemodems), DNS, 
PPP+DIALD (modem users), MASQ Sendmail, Security patching, etc.


 |  David A. Ranch  - Remote Access/Linux/PCs       [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
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