canton mass fd info - based on over the air monitoring of 453.525 DPL 051

6pm tone test

dispatcher IDs as "Fire Alarm"

heard them send a pager tone set for station coverage the other day -
no 2nd tone was heard so apparently they got the staffing that they
needed - they apparently needed the manpower due to some incident(s)
that was in progress

E3 and A1 from Station 1 usually go to south side EMS calls

E2 and A2 from Station 2 usually go to north side EMS calls

fire calls also get Ladder 1 and Car 5

Car 5 might be the on duty commander / deputy chief maybe

300 is the officer on Engine 3

3 pump or Engine 3 chauffeur is the driver of Engine 3

no radio test heard today (saturday) from 8am ish to 946 am

calls are apparently dispatched via loudspeaker in the station - and
then either Sta 1 or Sta 2 will acknowledge the call via radio - there
are no tones or beeps heard via radio - all calls are announced with
address + type of call + assigned units

possibly the police dispatcher is at a different location than the
fire dispatcher - come to think of it - isnt the FD dispatched by

units call off back in quarters via radio

they use the 'just start talking' system for message handling

typical boston area suburban fd radio traffic

"canton a1" just called off at milton hospital and they had mobile flutter

shes got a kid ... together -

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