 From the Washington Post, Tuesday, May 29, 2001.  See

When Clock Beats Curriculum

Caught Between Expanding Subject Areas and Standardized Testing, 
Teachers and Students Feel Time Squeeze

By Valerie Strauss

Tara Allen began the school year planning to teach her fifth-grade 
class an important math unit on probability and the novel "Bridge to 
Terabithia," but she won't get to introduce either. Time is running 

Daniel Dara Din, a freshman at the University of Virginia, is 
learning history he didn't get to study before he graduated last year 
from Chantilly High School in Fairfax County. "Drilled into my mind 
over the years were Virginia history, Colonial history and history up 
to the Civil War," Din said, "but there was no time for much of 
anything past World War II."

Time. There never seems to be enough of it, at least for the legions 
of teachers who realize with dismay at this time of year that there 
are too few days and too much left to teach. In classrooms from coast 
to coast, teachers are rushing to finish the curriculum; in others, 
they simply give up trying.

"Those people who say they do get it all done, I just don't how they 
do it," said Allen, of Bywood Elementary School in Upper Darby, Pa. 
"If you try to get to it all, then everything suffers. We never get 
to the Civil War, for example, and we are supposed to."

The end-of-school rush is hardly a new phenomenon, but educators say 
it is more frenzied than ever.

"We have a tendency in American education to continue to add more 
expectations and more curriculum," said Bill Kein, superintendent of 
the 4,200-student Mercer Island School District in Washington state. 
"It is easier to add than take away. So things are worse today than 
in the past."

Although many teachers say they complete everything during the school 
year -- Cynthia Mosteller, an eighth-grade civics teacher at Deal 
Middle School in the District, said that in 15 years of teaching, 
"I've never not finished the course" -- others admit having less 
success. The reasons, according to teachers, administrators and 

.  Despite efforts to create a standard curriculum, many teachers 
still have personal topic preferences and often dwell on what they 
know best, rushing through units on which they are less versed.

.  Students don't learn at the same pace, and some concepts take 
longer for students to absorb than others. School schedules no longer 
build in much, if any, time for review or serious thought, educators 

"One of the major things we aren't building into the school day and 
school year is time for reflection," said Chip Wood, of the Northeast 
Foundation for Children, a Massachusetts-based nonprofit organization 
dedicated to improving teaching. "Without that, students just rush 
from one thing to the next, the way us grown-ups do."

. Standardized testing now cuts into teaching time -- Maryland 
students in various grades take an entire week of such tests a year 
-- and teachers find it difficult to refocus students on learning 
after spring tests, for which the curriculum is geared.

Virginia students took Standards of Learning tests last week, for 
example, and said one teacher, who asked not to be identified: "Once 
testing is over, the students as well as teachers think that learning 
is over."

.  There is more content than ever to teach, especially in subjects 
such as biology, where new discoveries have vastly changed the scope 
and face of knowledge. Yet nobody has narrowed the curriculum, and 
the proliferation of standards has not helped the situation either, 
despite a common assumption that those who draw up standards take 
into account the time it takes to teach them.

Apparently they don't. A 1999 study conducted by the Colorado-based 
Midcontinent Research for Education and Learning Lab showed that 
teachers would need twice the time now allocated to adequately cover 
all the material required by state standards.

In three states -- Colorado, Wyoming and North Dakota -- teachers 
would need 1,100 hours of instructional time to address the standards 
in four main areas, though there are 630 to 720 hours of instruction 
time available in a school year, the study showed.

"The challenge at the school level is discerning the most essential 
standards," said Douglas B. Reeves, of the Colorado-based Center for 
Performance Assessment.

But Lesli Adler, who teaches Advanced Placement biology at Montgomery 
County's Thomas S. Wootton High School, said nobody is doing that.

"There is not less information to know; there's more," she said. 
"History is in the same boat as science. . . . Look at national and 
state standards. All seem reasonable until you come under the burden 
of having to teach them all."

AP curriculum -- which offers high school students the equivalent of 
a first-year introductory college course -- is a case in point. "They 
say you don't need to teach everything, but they don't tell you what 
to leave out," Adler said.

Lee Jones, executive director of the College Board's AP program, 
acknowledges the problem. Several years ago, he said, in a bid to try 
to narrow the AP curriculum, he asked colleges and universities what 
they taught. In calculus, there was a consensus on how to refocus the 
material, but in biology, he said, answers were all over the map. 
Thus, nothing was changed.

"History and biology and chemistry to some degree are content-heavy," 
he said. "It's been very hard to find ways to kind of narrow or limit 
the course without leaving out the same thing the colleges and 
universities would think is important."

As a result, students wind up with knowledge gaps. Matt Randon is a 
senior at Robinson Secondary School in Fairfax County, and he laments 
that he has learned "the number of moles in a sample of uranium" but 
not "much about Martin Luther King other than a few bolded words in a 
textbook in elementary school and middle school."

Allen, the fifth-grade teacher, has learned to accept that she won't 
get everything done. She is using techniques that stress using the 
final six weeks of school for reinforcement of content learned and 

Time for new instruction is cut in half, she said, in part because 
her fifth-graders are so anxious about leaving school that it is hard 
for them to concentrate. So they are reflecting on what they learned 
and designing memory books to help them.

"You start to see them settle," she said. "They seem less anxious. 
It's more fun. And they seem to be more at peace, because you aren't 
making the last six weeks chaotic and frustrating by trying to rush."
Jerry P.Becker
Department of Curriculum & Instruction
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, IL  62901-4610  USA
Phone:  (618) 453-4241  [O]
             (618)  457-8903 [H]
Fax:      (618) 453-4244

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