Title: Top experts target for critics of phonics method
From the Dallas Morning News [DallasNews.Com], Tuesday, June 19. 2001 (Original Sunday, June 17, 2001). See http://www.dallasnews.com/national/396046_reading_17nat..html

Reading research gets respect
Top expert becomes hot commodity and target for critics of phonics-only method

By Charles Ornstein

WASHINGTON - Teaching children to read is a lot like curing a deadly disease - so says federal researcher G. Reid Lyon.
First, scientists must identify promising approaches; then they need to test their hunches.

Dr. Lyon, who works for the National Institutes of Health, is trying to instill this scientific method into reading instruction, instead of allowing philosophy to guide the debate. Although his crusade is not new, his influence has increased markedly because of the White House's new emphasis on reading.

"Reading is a very complex issue, just like any public health issue," Dr. Lyon said. "Expecting me to read just by exposure to reading is like expecting people to do what [basketball star] Allen Iverson does just by watching him. It ain't going to happen."

When President Bush was governor of Texas, Dr. Lyon helped design the state's reading initiative. Now, he's helping the new administration craft its national reading program, which aims to teach every child to read proficiently by the end of third grade.

Legislation passed Thursday by the Senate would allow up to $5 billion over five years to be spent on research-proven approaches for reading instruction. An expert panel would review applications, and states would be required to show that their programs work.

Dr. Lyon's critics say he is trying to dumb down reading instruction by encouraging all teachers to use the same methods - drilling students on sounds and letters. The opponents prefer a whole-language approach, in which children are encouraged to read books and learn words without breaking them apart.

"Even if it were true that there was scientific evidence that one method was superior to others, you can't force teachers to teach in ways that they don't believe in, that they feel is harmful to kids," said Kenneth Goodman, a professor emeritus in education at the University of Arizona.

"What we're doing is turning our schools into drill camps for testing," he said. "We've turned our teachers into test administrators. We've turned wonderful teachers into technicians. We have brought the morality of politics into educational decision making, and Reid Lyon is as much responsible for that than anything."

Supporters, including Mr. Bush, praise Dr. Lyon.

"Reid came in and helped us defuse all the politics of reading curriculum battles and helped us put [together] a program that works," Mr. Bush said in January.

Education Secretary Rod Paige, a former Houston superintendent, suggested that critics are reluctant to accept change.

"The principles he represents will require a lot of change, and many people are not ready for that," Dr. Paige said. "I tell you what, he's a great blessing for the children of America."

The phonics fight

For years, the "reading wars" have been fought between the advocates of phonics and whole language

But throughout the country, the philosophical debate is slowly giving way to scientific research. Officials in several states have seized upon studies suggesting that children learn best when they master phonics and then read books to reinforce basic skills.

Research has shown that children fall into three categories: those who learn to read effortlessly before they begin school, those who learn relatively easily when taught the basics in school, and 20 percent to 30 percent who need extra help.

For the last group, the problems balloon if not quickly corrected. "By high school, these children's potential for entering college has decreased to almost nil, with few choices available to them," Dr. Lyon has said.

Children with the most trouble need direct intervention, including intense phonics education, Dr. Lyon said. "The more a child comes to you bereft of skills, the less choice as a teacher you have."

National direction

Dr. Lyon oversees child development and behavior programs at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Under his direction and with federal money, researchers conduct clinical trials to determine how to best identify kids with reading difficulties and help teachers instruct them. He oversees 44 research sites that are studying more than 34,000 children and 1,100 teachers.

With a friend in the White House, Dr. Lyon's expertise is in hot demand.

During the Clinton administration, he traveled to Washington once a month from his suburban Maryland office. Now, he spends about half his time conferring with Bush appointees and lawmakers in the capital. He also served on the president's education transition team.

Dr. Lyon first met Mr. Bush in 1995, when the governor was beginning to craft an education overhaul in the state. "He said, 'I've got a lot of kids in the state who simply are not learning to read. What can you do about it?'" Dr. Lyon recalled.

Using research compiled by the National Institutes of Health, Texas developed a statewide screening test to identify kindergartners at risk for reading difficulties.

Texas officials also relied on reading research to design teacher programs. Studies have found that new teachers benefit from step-by-step programs with specific strategies to teach reading. Veteran teachers don't need the same oversight.

"Any state that asks us to come, we'll go," Dr. Lyon said, adding that his staff has visited 26 states. "That's your tax dollars at work."

Critics of the phonics method say Mr. Bush emphasizes research only when it supports his position. They say that the full body of reading research is not as one-sided as Dr. Lyon claims.

"It's very interesting that Bush rejects the research on global warming and rejects the research on many other environmental things that are overwhelmingly accepted, but he accepts this spurious kind of reading research," Dr. Goodman said. "If it weren't so tragic, it would be funny."
Appointment rumor

Dr. Lyon said he is a registered independent whose values overlap more with Democrats than Republicans. He voted for Bill Clinton over Mr. Bush's father in 1992. But last year, he cast his ballot for the younger Mr. Bush, in large part because of his personal experiences with him.

The Bush administration's use of federal reading research is a far cry from the past.

"The most gratifying thing to me is that people are beginning to rely on evidence to make their decision," Dr. Lyon said.

He has been rumored as a potential appointee in the Bush administration, perhaps for the position of reading czar. But at least publicly, Dr. Lyon says he's not interested.

"I don't think I'd be very good at it," he said. "I have too big of a mouth. I'm not politically correct."
G. REID LYON Age: 52
Title: Research psychologist and chief of the Child Development and Behavior Branch within the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.
Job description: Oversees federal research programs in reading, human learning and learning disorders. Translates relevant scientific discoveries from the National Institutes of Health to the White House and Congress.
Other experience: On the faculties of Northwestern University and the University of Vermont; teacher of children with learning disabilities; third-grade teacher; school psychologist.
Education: Doctorate degree from the University of New Mexico (1978) with concentrations in psychology and developmental disabilities.
Military service: Army paratrooper from May 1967 to May 1970, including two years in Vietnam.
Jerry P.Becker
Department of Curriculum & Instruction
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, IL  62901-4610  USA
Phone:  (618) 453-4241  [O]
            (618)  457-8903 [H]
Fax:      (618) 453-4244

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