>>> "NNB" == Nidish Narayanaa Balaji <nidish.bal...@ila.uni-stuttgart.de> 
>>> writes:

Hello Nidish

> Hello All,
> I made a couple merge requests but Uwe told me that there are
> apparently issues merging on sourceforge atm. Here are the links to
> the two merge requests, just for reference:
> + https://sourceforge.net/p/matlab-emacs/src/merge-requests/3/
> + https://sourceforge.net/p/matlab-emacs/src/merge-requests/4/

> The first one was a fix for the fact that emacs 29.1 has removed
> font-lock-reference-face and we are to use font-lock-constant-face
> instead.

> The second is a small fix I had to do to let me work with matlab-shell
> over a TRAMP session. The issue was that it was initially calling
> emacsinit.m addressed to the local machine, which matlab of course
> can't find. I just changed "/home/<user-login-name>/" to "~/" in the
> command and it reads the right emacsinit file. This still requires
> that matlab-mode and emacs be installed in the exact same location on
> the remote machine as on the local machine. It's not ideal, but it
> serves my purposes for now.

Thanks, I had no problem applying your patch to commit b49c86e5738f.

I would like to test in the coming days, especially the font locking,
since I don't use TRAMP.

Do others, @Eric, @John have remarks to make? 

Thanks and regards

I strongly condemn Hamas heinous despicable pogroms/atrocities on Israel
I strongly condemn Putin's war of aggression against Ukraine.
I support to deliver weapons to Ukraine's military. 
I support the EU and NATO membership of Ukraine. 

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