OK, here's the patch! :)

Andrew Straw wrote:
> Hi All (esp. Darren),
> The attached patch adds unicode support for LaTeX. Given the recent
> discussion about adding preambles, I thought I'd run it past here first.
> Anyone opposed if I check this in?
> Note that I specifically added the rcParam text.latex.unicode to enable
> this and a default False value to turn this off by default. I hope this
> prevents breakage for folks who don't have the ucs and inputenc latex
> packages installed while allowing unicode for those of us that do.
> -Andrew
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--- CHANGELOG	(revision 3278)
+++ CHANGELOG	(working copy)
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2007-05-17 Added LaTeX unicode support. Enable with the
+           'text.latex.unicode' rcParam. This requires the ucs and
+           inputenc LaTeX packages. - ADS
 2007-04-23 Fixed some problems with polar -- dded general polygon
            clipping to clip the lines a nd grids to the polar axes.
            Added support for set_rmax to easily change the maximum
Index: lib/matplotlib/__init__.py
--- lib/matplotlib/__init__.py	(revision 3278)
+++ lib/matplotlib/__init__.py	(working copy)
@@ -775,6 +775,7 @@
     # text props
     'text.color'        : ['k', validate_color],     # black
     'text.usetex'       : [False, validate_usetex],
+    'text.latex.unicode': [False, validate_bool],
     'text.latex.preamble': ['', validate_latex_preamble],
     'text.dvipnghack'    : [False, validate_bool],
     'text.fontstyle'    : ['normal', str],
Index: lib/matplotlib/texmanager.py
--- lib/matplotlib/texmanager.py	(revision 3278)
+++ lib/matplotlib/texmanager.py	(working copy)
@@ -165,7 +165,8 @@
     def get_basefile(self, tex, fontsize, dpi=None):
         s = tex + self._fontconfig + ('%f'%fontsize) + self.get_custom_preamble()
         if dpi: s += ('%s'%dpi)
-        return os.path.join(self.texcache, md5.md5(s).hexdigest())
+        bytes = unicode(s).encode('utf-8') # make sure hash is consistent for all strings, regardless of encoding
+        return os.path.join(self.texcache, md5.md5(bytes).hexdigest())
     def get_font_config(self):
         return self._fontconfig
@@ -197,17 +198,35 @@
                    'monospace'  : r'{\ttfamily %s}'}.get(self.font_family, 
                                                          r'{\rmfamily %s}')
         tex = fontcmd % tex
+        if rcParams['text.latex.unicode']:
+            unicode_preamble = """\usepackage{ucs}
+        else:
+            unicode_preamble = ''
         s = r"""\documentclass{article}
 \usepackage[papersize={72in,72in}, body={70in,70in}, margin={1in,1in}]{geometry}
-""" % (self._font_preamble, custom_preamble, fontsize, fontsize*1.25, tex)
-        fh.write(s)
+""" % (self._font_preamble, custom_preamble, unicode_preamble,
+       fontsize, fontsize*1.25, tex)
+        if rcParams['text.latex.unicode']:
+            fh.write(s.encode('utf8'))
+        else:
+            try:
+                fh.write(s)
+            except UnicodeEncodeError, err:
+                verbose.report("You are using unicode and latex, but have "
+                               "not enabled the matplotlib 'text.latex.unicode' "
+                               "rcParam.", 'helpful')
+                raise
         return texfile
Index: lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_ps.py
--- lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_ps.py	(revision 3278)
+++ lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_ps.py	(working copy)
@@ -1272,9 +1272,16 @@
     if orientation=='landscape': angle = 90
     else: angle = 0
-    print >>latexh, r"""\documentclass{article}
+    if rcParams['text.latex.unicode']:
+        unicode_preamble = """\usepackage{ucs}
+    else:
+        unicode_preamble = ''
+    s = r"""\documentclass{article}
 \usepackage[dvips, papersize={%sin,%sin}, body={%sin,%sin}, margin={0in,0in}]{geometry}
@@ -1288,8 +1295,21 @@
-"""% (font_preamble, custom_preamble, paperWidth, paperHeight, paperWidth, paperHeight,
-'\n'.join(psfrags), angle, os.path.split(epsfile)[-1])
+"""% (font_preamble, custom_preamble, unicode_preamble, paperWidth, paperHeight,
+      paperWidth, paperHeight,
+      '\n'.join(psfrags), angle, os.path.split(epsfile)[-1])
+    if rcParams['text.latex.unicode']:
+        latexh.write(s.encode('utf8'))
+    else:
+        try:
+            latexh.write(s)
+        except UnicodeEncodeError, err:
+            verbose.report("You are using unicode and latex, but have "
+                           "not enabled the matplotlib 'text.latex.unicode' "
+                           "rcParam.", 'helpful')
+            raise
     # the split drive part of the command is necessary for windows users with 
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