It's giving a floating point exception on the following operation:

  i % Nface

where Nface is the number of face colors, which in this case is 0.

We probably want to trap for this case in the C code so it at least 
doesn't crash, but am I right that "c=''" is an invalid input?  What 
should that do, if not raise an exception?


Eric Firing wrote:
> Dave wrote:
>> Whilst trying to plot a scatter plot with no facecolor I was able to reliably
>> reproduce a segfault in mpl 0.91.2 - see below:
>> Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 18 2007, 08:51:08) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
>> IPython 0.8.3.svn.r3001 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
>> In [1]: import matplotlib
>> In [2]: matplotlib.__version__
>> Out[2]: '0.91.2'
>> In [3]: from pylab import scatter, rand
>> In [4]: scatter(rand(100),rand(100),c='')
>> <--SegFault-->
>> That's probably not the right way to do it but it does work in 0.98.0.
>> I'm unable to test on 0.91.3 at the moment.
> On ubuntu hardy with 0.91.3 from the svn maintenance branch:
> In [1]:import matplotlib
> In [2]:matplotlib.__version__
> Out[2]:'0.91.3'
> In [3]:from pylab import scatter, rand
> In [4]:scatter(rand(100), rand(100), c='')
> Out[4]:<matplotlib.collections.RegularPolyCollection instance at 0x8edf04c>
> In [5]:from pylab import show
> In [6]:show()
> Floating point exception
> On the svn trunk it works.
> Eric
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Michael Droettboom
Science Software Branch
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Space Telescope Science Institute
Operated by AURA for NASA

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