I've not studied or used the CallbackRegistry, so I've got nothing to add on
that front.  However, may I submit the attached work-around for Axes.cla?
Instead of offsetting the title using Affine2D().translate( ... figure.dpi
... ), it uses ScaledTranslation( ... figure.dpi_scale_trans ...).  This
way, it seems to require no connection to the dpi_changed event (thereby
sidestepping the callback accumulation).  Also, it constructs
titleOffsetTrans similarly to get_xaxis_text1_transform and its relatives,
and it reduces the hard-coded 5-point offset from three occurences to one,
which helps any future conversion to an rcParam.

I verified that the old and new code produce the same transformation matrix.
However, when I tried to retrieve the title's transformation, I received a
rather long traceback.  It can be reproduced with

    import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms
    mtransforms.ScaledTranslation(0, 0, mtransforms.IdentityTransform())

under 0.98.0.  Now, how far have we deviated from the subject line? :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Droettboom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2008 10:10
To: Stan West
Cc: 'John Hunter'; 'matplotlib-dev list'
Subject: Re: [matplotlib-devel] RegularPolyCollection inputs
incollections_demo.py are wrong?

You're absolutely right that it needs to be fixed.

However, I wonder why the CallbackRegistry doesn't just store the callbacks
in a set (or keys of a dictionary) such that multiple adds of the exact same
function or method to the same signal couldn't occur.  
Since there is no external state stored with each callback, I don't see a
need for there ever being more than one of the same thing in there... 
but maybe I'm missing something.  Additionally, it seems like a C-ism to
have to deal with callback ids when the callback objects themselves are
already hashable and could be used to remove themselves.


Stan West wrote:
> Quoting John Hunter:
>> Alternatively you can connect to the figure dpi_changed event -- 
>> there is an example in Axes.cla
> Regarding that example, each call to Axes.cla connects a new 
> dpi_changed callback, but, as far as I can tell, the callback is never
> Thus, each cla call augments the dict of dpi_changed figure callbacks:
>     fig = figure()
>     ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
>     print len(fig.callbacks.callbacks['dpi_changed'])  # only 1
>     for n in range(7): ax.cla()
>     print len(fig.callbacks.callbacks['dpi_changed'])  # now 8
> Should cla store the connection id and, if there is a stored id from a 
> prior call, disconnect the previous callback before connecting the new
> Stan

Michael Droettboom
Science Software Branch
Operations and Engineering Division
Space Telescope Science Institute
Operated by AURA for NASA

Attachment: axes.Axes.titleOffsetTrans.patch
Description: Binary data

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