David Trem wrote:
> Hi,
>  I narrowed down the problem I've posted on the matplotlib user list
> and now it looks like I found a matplotlib bug in 0.98 version.
> The shared axes auto-scaling is not properly working in 0.98 (works
> with the 0.91). Indeed, As shown, in the small attached script, the
> shared x scale does not show the full curves (axs1 blue curve should go 
> up to 120 on axis).
> In fact, if x axes is shared, the figure xmin and xmax are defined by 
> the last plotted axes (axs2) and does not take into account the min/max 
> from the first one which cut it. One would expect to see both curve 
> entirely.
> Could someone have look at this problem. I will try to dive in 
> matplotlib code but I'm not an expert at all...


This looks like a rather fundamental problem in the present 
architecture.  I thought I had a solution figured out, but I was wrong, 
and now I am not confident that I can come up with a good solution 
quickly.  Some consultation with, or intervention by, Mike D. may be 
needed--he might even see a solution in a matter of minutes.  The 
problem is that the dataLim for each axes object is a Bbox, and in this 
implementation there is no way to share an x-interval or a y-interval 
among Bboxes.  So there is a single xaxis major locator that is shared, 
but it is only getting its dataLim updated from one of the shared axes.


> Thanks in advance,
> David

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