I found a few typos in artists.rst. Added a patch (don't want to commit
it, because I'm not actively working on the docs)

The first sentence of the section "Object containers" also needs to be
fixed (or I don't understand it):
  "Now that we know how to inspect set the properties of a given object
we want to configure, we need to now how to get at that object."

"inspect" or "set" ???

Index: artists.rst
--- artists.rst	(revision 6213)
+++ artists.rst	(working copy)
@@ -80,10 +80,10 @@
 In this example, ``ax`` is the ``Axes`` instance created by the
 ``fig.add_subplot`` call above (remember ``Subplot`` is just a
-subclass of ``Axes``) and when you call ``ax.plot``, it createsa
-``Line2D`` instance and adds it the :attr:`Axes.lines
+subclass of ``Axes``) and when you call ``ax.plot``, it creates a
+``Line2D`` instance and adds it to the :attr:`Axes.lines
 <matplotlib.axes.Axes.lines>` list.  In the interactive `ipython
-<http://ipython.scipy.org/>`_ session below, you can see that
+<http://ipython.scipy.org/>`_ session below, you can see that the
 ``Axes.lines`` list is length one and contains the same line that was
 returned by the ``line, = ax.plot(x, y, 'o')`` call:
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
     ax.lines.remove(line)  # one or the other, not both!
 The Axes also has helper methods to configure and decorate the x-axis
-and y-axis tick, ticklabels and axis labels::
+and y-axis tick, tick labels and axis labels::
     xtext = ax.set_xlabel('my xdata') # returns a Text instance
     ytext = ax.set_ylabel('my xdata')
@@ -169,8 +169,8 @@
 clip_on      Whether clipping is enabled
 clip_path    The path the artist is clipped to
 contains     A picking function to test whether the artist contains the pick point
-figure       The figure instance the aritst lives in, possibly None
-label        A text label (eg for auto-labeling)
+figure       The figure instance the artist lives in, possibly None
+label        A text label (eg. for auto-labeling)
 picker       A python object that controls object picking
 transform    The transformation
 visible      A boolean whether the artist should be drawn
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