Interesting result.  I pulled all of the new "actual" files from the 21 
failing tests on the buildbots to my local machine and all of those 
tests now pass for me.  Good.  Interestingly, there are still two tests 
failing on my machine which did not fail on the buildbots, so I can't 
grab the buildbots' new output.  Could this just be a thresholding issue 
for the tolerance value? I'm a little wary of "polluting" the baseline 
images with images from my machine which doesn't have our "standard" 
version of Freetype, so I'll leave those out of SVN for now, but will go 
ahead and commit the new baseline images from the buildbots.  Assuming 
these two mystery failures are resolved by pulling new images from the 
buildbots, I think this experiment with turning of hinting is a success.

As an aside, is there an easy way to update the baselines I'm missing?  
At the moment, I'm copying each result file to the correct folder under 
tests/baseline_images, but it takes me a while because I don't know the 
heirarchy by heart and there are 22 failures.  I was expecting to just 
manually verify everything was ok and then "cp *.png" from my scratch 
tests folder to baseline_images and let SVN take care of which files had 
actually changed.  This is just the naive feedback of a new set of eyes: 
it's extremely useful and powerful what you've put together here.


On 09/08/2009 12:06 PM, Andrew Straw wrote:
> Michael Droettboom wrote:
>> Doing so, my results are even *less* in agreement with the baseline, but
>> the real question is whether my results are in agreement with those on
>> the buildbot machines with this change to forcibly turn hinting off.  I
>> should no pretty quickly when the buildbots start complaining in a few
>> minutes and I can look at the results ;)
> Yes, even though the waterfall is showing green (for the next 2 minutes
> until my buildbot script bugfix gets run), it's pretty clear from the
> image failure page that disabling hinting introduced changes to the
> generated figure appearance. It will be interesting to see if, after
> checking in the newly generated actual images as the new baseline, the
> tests start passing on your machine with the newer freetype.
> In a footnote to myself, I think the ImageComparisonFailure exception
> should tell nose that the test failed, not that there was an error.
> -Andrew

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