This is a very long-standing bug in distutils:

While distutils distinguishes between C and C++ for *linking*, it does 
not do so for *compiling*.  This doesn't matter for gcc and msvc (which 
are arguably the two most popular compilers for Python), but probably 
does for most commercial Unix compilers.  I have no idea why this patch 
has never been applied in all these years -- but please jump on that bug 
report so we can see about getting it fixed.

As for us at STScI, we just build matplotlib with gcc on Solaris and it 
works fine.


John Hunter wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 4:47 AM, Dr. David Kirkby
> <> wrote:
>> William Stein wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I spent several hours yesterday trying to get matplotlib for Sage to
>>> work on OS X 10.6.  On my laptop everything works perfectly, but on
>>> another test machine (bsd.math) the workaround from my laptop doesn't
>>> work.  So at this point Sage still does not support OS X 10.6.
>> Just to add (which I've also CC'ed to John), mathplotlib (at least the
>> version in Sage), is not respecting CXX properly. I specified CC as the Sun
>> C compiler, and CXX as the Sun C++ compiler. The code then tries to build a
>> C++ file (src/ft2font.cpp) with the Sun C compiler, which fails.
>> /opt/xxxsunstudio12.1/bin/cc -DNDEBUG -O -xcode=pic32
>> -I/export/home/drkirkby/sage/gcc32/sage-4.1.2.alpha2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/numpy/core/include
>> -I/usr/sfw/include -I/usr/sfw/include/freetype2 -I/usr/local/include -I.
>> -I/export/home/drkirkby/sage/gcc32/sage-4.1.2.alpha2/local/include/
>> -I/export/home/drkirkby/sage/gcc32/sage-4.1.2.alpha2/local/include/python2.6
>> -c src/ft2font.cpp -o build/temp.solaris-2.10-sun4u-2.6/src/ft2font.o
>> cc: No valid input files specified, no output generated
>> error: command '/opt/xxxsunstudio12.1/bin/cc' failed with exit status 1
>> I've not looked at this in detail, so it could be a Sage-specific issue.
> I forwarded the original message on to matplotlib-devel.  It would be
> helpful if when replying to this message or any in this thread if we
> CC the matplotlib-devel mailing list.  I'm the list moderator so I can
> approve these messages and you won't need to subscribe.  I don't have
> any immediate answers for you now, but hopefully we can come up with
> some.
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