Andrew Straw wrote:
> Jouni K. Seppänen wrote:
>> Jouni K. Seppänen <> writes:
>> When we add new formats (comparing postscript files could easily be done
>> using the same ghostscript command as used for pdf files, and some svg
>> renderer could also be added)
> "inkscape input.svg --export-png=output.png" works very well as an svg
> renderer.
I'd also like to run SVG through xmllint against the SVG schema as 
another sanity check.  I may get to this if I can find the time.
>>  and new tests, we'll have to think about
>> if we want to run all tests on all backends, since the amount of data in
>> the repository will start growing pretty fast.
> As far as the test data -- I agree this is an issue. One point in favor
> of the status quo is that it's really nice to have the test data
> included with the source code so there are no configuration hassles. I'm
> not sure how well the buildbot infrastructure would cope with anything
> else. For example, to my knowledge, there is no Buildbot precedent to
> automatically pull from two branches to execute a single test run. But
> in general I think this does bear thinking about.
An easy improvement may be having an extra kwarg on the image_comparison 
decorator to select a subset of backends.  For example, many of the ones 
in only apply to the Agg backend.

While I'm sharing my wish list out loud, I think it would also be highly 
cool to get the native Mac OS backend in the buildbot tests, as that's 
one I can't test easily myself.


Michael Droettboom
Science Software Branch
Operations and Engineering Division
Space Telescope Science Institute
Operated by AURA for NASA

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