The bug was actually in the path simplification.  In really degenerate 
cases (bravo for finding it) of paths that are completely outside of the 
clip region, it would create a path with a single LINETO command.

This is now fixed in SVN on the branch and trunk.


Michael Droettboom wrote:
> Jouni K. Seppänen wrote:
>> Jeff Whitaker <> writes:
>>> Jouni:  That test script now crashes with:
>>>   File "/Users/jwhitaker/lib/python/matplotlib/backends/", 
>>> line 1214, in pathOperations
>>>     raise ValueError, 'Path lacks initial MOVETO'
>>> ValueError: Path lacks initial MOVETO
>> I think this confirms my suspicion that the bug is really elsewhere. A
>> path in PDF needs to begin with a "m" that sets the initial point, and
>> that particular Path object only consisted of one LINETO operation. Am I
>> correct in thinking that this is an invalid path?
> Yes -- that path should be considered invalid, though the Path class 
> doesn't do any verification.  I'll add this.  I'm surprised that it's 
> coming from the line class, which in general doesn't allow for 
> customization of the path codes.  There must be something unanticipated 
> happening.
> Cheers,
> Mike

Michael Droettboom
Science Software Branch
Operations and Engineering Division
Space Telescope Science Institute
Operated by AURA for NASA

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