Le 10/09/2012 19:19, Pierre Haessig a écrit :
> Hello,
> This may be a silly question, but I'm wondering what happens in
> Matplotlib rendering when there is a "big" Line2D object (say 10**7
> points) added to an Axes, with *visibility set to false*.
> [...]

I was just wondering if I should preferably post such messages about a
possible bug report on matplotlib-users mailing list instead of the
devel ml. I'm not familiar with the community convention of how to spit
topics between those two. Or is it better if I just report directly an
issue on GitHub and start discussion from there ?


PS : an unrelated question about mailing list : I noticed that the
matplotlib-users ml archive on sourceforge seems to stop from recording
starting around July 16th 2012
(on the other hand, the devel archive seems fine). No messages appear
for August and September

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