On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 6:20 PM, Michael Droettboom <md...@stsci.edu> wrote:
> I invite comments for a new MEP about improving the situation with respect
> to our bundling of third-party Python dependencies.
> In particular, I'd love feedback from the various stakeholders -- those
> producing binary installers and packages for the various platforms.
> https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/wiki/MEP11
> Mike

I help with the openSUSE packaging of mpl.  At least as openSUSE
policies go, bundling dependencies is considered a big no-no.  RPM has
its own dependency handling, so as long as the dependencies are
documented (ideally with version numbers) then there is no issue,
either at build-time or at run-time.  I think that would likely be the
case for any official linux packages.

Anyone on Linux who is trying to install matplotlib from source should
be prepared to handle dependency resolution manually.  If they aren't,
then they shouldn't be messing with package installation in the first
place.  I think the documentation should clearly state this, although
more diplomatically of course :)

So from a Linux standpoint I think bundling is a bad idea.  Further,
any solution should be prepared to handle the situation where the
dependencies are already available, and not try to download them under
this situation.  It should also be able to handle installation with no
internet connection as long as the dependencies are available, so it
can be compatible with automated build systems and hpc environments
which may not support internet access for security reasons.

For windows, rather than creating independent matplotlib installers,
can't the documentation just point people in the direction of a
pre-existing bundle like python(x,y)?  Since there are groups
dedicated to making it easy to install python packages on windows, I
don't see the point of going through all the trouble of making your
own version.  If you really wanted to you might even be able to use
their sources to create your own variant that just installs what you


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