Yeah -- I was thinking we could start with the list of people who would like to attend and then try to schedule (possibly using Doodle) around that.

So, to all: let us know if you would like to attend!


On 08/02/2013 04:36 AM, Phil Elson wrote:
Sounds like a good idea to me.

In terms of when - I think the IPython guys have picked a good time (10am US Pacific time, or 5pm GMT/UTC) to have the meeting to maximise the attendance from the Americas and Europe, though I appreciate that no time is perfect for everybody. For instance, I know Eric being in Hawaii–Aleutian Time Zone that time would mean a 7am start, and for JJ, should he wish to join in, it would be a 2am meeting... (for a clock of the places that may need consideration see

Did you want to put a date on it Mike? How about we go for a week on Tuesday, say the 2013-08-13 17:00Z (in your time: - though I'm open to moving it, if that doesn't fit with some of the core contributors who would like to attend. If anybody who knows they would like to attend could notify us here (along with their time zone), we could also try to optimise the time to reduce unsociable hours :-) though we have to acknowledge that there is no such thing as the perfect time...


On 1 August 2013 19:58, Michael Droettboom < <>> wrote:

    (Apologies for cross-posting).

    matplotlib has a dire need to improve its continuous integration
    testing.  I've drafted MEP19 and solicited comments, but there hasn't
    been a lot of feedback thus far.

    As an alternative to mailing list discussion, where this sort of
    planning can sometimes be difficult, I'm considering holding a Google
    Hangout in the next few weeks on the subject.  It's ok to participate
    even if you don't have the time to work on matplotlib -- I would also
    like feedback from advice from those that have configured similar
    systems for other projects.  matplotlib's needs are somewhat more
    complex in terms of dependencies, cpu, ram and storage, so we're
    things pretty far here.

    If there's enough people with an interest in participating in the
    discussion, I'll send around a Doodle poll to find a good time.


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