In article <>,
 mark <> wrote:

> Many thanks for the feedback.
> So ,my first cut was to segregate the user guide by topic.  Below is
> the summary I had in mind for an Introduction for New Users.
> Hopefully this gives a flavour of what I have in mind.
> I will attempt to put this into practice and post again when I have a
> user guide coded that might work in my view.
> mark
> Introducing Plotting with Matplotlib
>     Pyplot tutorial
>         Controlling line properties
>         Working with multiple figures and axes
>         Working with text
>     Interactive navigation
>         Navigation Keyboard Shortcuts
>     Working with text
>         Text introduction
>         Basic text commands
>         Text properties and layout
>         Writing mathematical expressions
>         Text rendering With LaTeX
>         Annotating text

On the whole this looks good to me. I so have a few comments, however:
- Would you be willing to include a section on using the class API? (I'm 
assuming the above is all based on using pyplot?). I find there is a 
huge gap between pyplot and the class API, and the documentation I've 
found does little to bridge that gap.
- You have "Working with text" (including "annotating text") early on, 
then "Legend guide" and "Annotating Axes" much later on. I wish these 
were all together, as axes (values and labels), plot titles and legends 
are arguably the main use cases for text in plots. Perhaps it would 
suffice to have "Working with text" give a brief overview of how to do 
each of these things, with pointers to the other sections for details. 
An alternative is subsections within Working with text.
- In a similar vein: I'm surprised GridSpec comes before legends and 
annotating axes.
- Please consider a section on 3-d plots.
- Please consider a section on animation.

-- Russell

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