
Very sorry to miss this one - I'm in Cuba at the moment - if Google
doesn't block hangouts, then there would not be enough bandwidth.

Sorry not to get to setting up buildbot testing. Paul - do you have
time for that?



On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 5:57 PM, Paul Ivanov <p...@berkeley.edu> wrote:
> Michael Droettboom, on 2013-11-14 10:23,  wrote:
>> Sorry - I've been without network connection this morning, but it's back
>> up...
>> I'll be starting the matplotlib hangout shortly.  Let me know if you
>> don't get an invite and would like to join.
> Mike and others,
> is there a link to this hangout, or was this one not recorded
> "on-air"?
> best,
> --
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> Paul Ivanov
> http://pirsquared.org
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