Hi Phil,

I am in London but busy with other stuff on Saturday. I might be able to
join in on Sunday.


On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 11:04 AM, Phil Elson <pelson....@gmail.com> wrote:

> There will be an open source Python sprint, hosted by Bloomberg, this
> weekend in London. The event will be attended by core developers of many of
> the major scientific Python packages (IPython, numpy, scipy, pandas,
> scikit-learn) who will act as mentors to those who would like to get
> involved in the development of these important scientific tools.
> I will be attending as a mentor for matplotlib (if there are any other
> core developers who may be able to attend, the more the merrier!) and am
> hoping there will be many attendees who want to get a helping hand getting
> started with matplotlib development. We've got lots of room for
> improvement, from the obvious documentation enhancements right through to
> the nitty-gritty of improving backends such as nbagg.
> If you want to come along to the event, please sign-up at
> http://go.bloomberg.com/promo/invite/bloomberg-open-source-day-scientific-python/
> .
> Hope you see some of you there,
> Phil
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