On 7/7/06, John Hunter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We'd like to do a bugfix release for the next release of enthought
> python, which will include the latest mpl.  Apparently, there is a
> problem with 0.87.3 and numpy which has been fixed in svn.
> If there is anything we should wait on, let us know, otherwise we'll
> probably try to roll out 0.87.4 early next week.
> Thanks,


2006-07-11 Released 0.87.4 at revision 2558

2006-07-07 Fixed a usetex bug with older versions of latex - DSD

2006-07-07 Add compatibility for NumPy 1.0 - TEO

2006-06-29 Added a Qt4Agg backend. Thank you James Amundson - DSD

2006-06-26 Fixed a usetex bug. On windows, usetex will prcess
           postscript output in the current directory rather than
           in a temp directory. This is due to the use of spaces
           and tildes in windows paths, which cause problems with
           latex. The subprocess module is no longer used. - DSD

2006-06-22 Various changes to bar(), barh(), and hist().
           Added 'edgecolor' keyword arg to bar() and barh().
           The x and y args in barh() have been renamed to width
           and bottom respectively, and their order has been swapped
           to maintain a (position, value) order ala matlab. left,
           height, width and bottom args can now all be scalars or
           sequences. barh() now defaults to edge alignment instead
           of center alignment. Added a keyword arg 'align' to bar(),
           barh() and hist() that controls between edge or center bar
           alignment. Fixed ignoring the rcParams['patch.facecolor']
           for bar color in bar() and barh(). Fixed ignoring the
           rcParams['lines.color'] for error bar color in bar()
           and barh(). Fixed a bug where patches would be cleared
           when error bars were plotted if rcParams['axes.hold']
           was False. - MAS

2006-06-22 Added support for numerix 2-D arrays as alternatives to
           a sequence of (x,y) tuples for specifying paths in
           collections, quiver, contour, pcolor, transforms.
           Fixed contour bug involving setting limits for
           color mapping.  Added numpy-style all() to numerix. - EF

2006-06-20 Added custom FigureClass hook to pylab interface - see

2006-06-16 Added colormaps from gist (gist_earth, gist_stern,
           gist_rainbow, gist_gray, gist_yarg, gist_heat, gist_ncar) - JW

2006-06-16 Added a pointer to parent in figure canvas so you can
           access the container with fig.canvas.manager.  Useful if
           you want to set the window title, eg in gtk
           fig.canvas.manager.window.set_title, though a GUI neutral
           method would be preferable JDH

2006-06-16 Fixed colorbar.py to handle indexed colors (i.e.,
           norm = no_norm()) by centering each colored region
           on its index. - EF

2006-06-15 Added scalex and scaley to Axes.autoscale_view to support
           selective autoscaling just the x or y axis, and supported
           these command in plot so you can say plot(something,
           scaley=False) and just the x axis will be autoscaled.
           Modified axvline and axhline to support this, so for
           example axvline will no longer autoscale the y axis. JDH

2006-06-13 Fix so numpy updates are backward compatible - TEO

2006-06-12 Updated numerix to handle numpy restructuring of
           oldnumeric - TEO

2006-06-12 Updated numerix.fft to handle numpy restructuring
           Added ImportError to numerix.linear_algebra for numpy -TEO

2006-06-11 Added quiverkey command to pylab and Axes, using
           QuiverKey class in quiver.py.  Changed pylab and Axes
           to use quiver2 if possible, but drop back to the
           newly-renamed quiver_classic if necessary.  Modified
           examples/quiver_demo.py to illustrate the new quiver
           and quiverkey.  Changed LineCollection implementation
           slightly to improve compatibility with PolyCollection. - EF

2006-06-11 Fixed a usetex bug for windows, running latex on files
           with spaces in their names or paths was failing - DSD

2006-06-09 Made additions to numerix, changes to quiver to make it
           work with all numeric flavors. - EF

2006-06-09 Added quiver2 function to pylab and method to axes,
           with implementation via a Quiver class in quiver.py.
           quiver2 will replace quiver before the next release;
           it is placed alongside it initially to facilitate
           testing and transition. See also
           examples/quiver2_demo.py. - EF

2006-06-08 Minor bug fix to make ticker.py draw proper minus signs
           with usetex - DSD

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