I just built the latest on my Linux box, and noticed that it didn't find the wxPython headers. I figured out what to do but I have the following suggestions:

1) at the very least, make the message more useful. I've enclosed a diff to setupext.py that adds some more text.

2) It wouldn't be too hard to make it a bit smarter about finding the right wx-config. wxPython does not install it to a dir on the PATH by default. In my case, I have it there from other wx development installs. The right wx-config, on my machine, is in:


by checking the wxPython version installed, you should be able to find it. Or you could use "locate", which is how I found it. I don't know how ubiquitous locate is on *nix systems, however.

locate "*wxPython-*wx-config"

3) Re-do the wxAgg back-end to not need any compiled code! -- one of these days....


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
NOAA/OR&R/HAZMAT         (206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
Seattle, WA  98115       (206) 526-6317   main reception

>              print """Building MPL without the wxAgg accelerator"""
<          print 'WXAgg\'s accelerator requires the wxPython headers.'
>          print """
> WXAgg's accelerator requires the wxPython headers.
> You seem to have a version of wx-config on your PATH that does not point
> to the wxPython headers. You probably want a version that is stored with
> the wxPython libraries. It may be in a location like:
> /usr/lib/wxPython-
> In any case, locate it, and set the WX_CONFIG
> environment variable to the full path of the executable like so:
> export WX_CONFIG=/usr/lib/wxPython-
> (for the bash shell)
> """
< include
< directories or include directories reported by `wx-config --cppflags'."""
> include directories or include directories reported by `wx-config
> --cppflags'.
> """
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