I wonder: how hard would it be to add some intelligence to the 
interpreter and/or exception handler such that if the manner of (mis)use 
of one of these implied that what the programmer meant was the other, 
then the error message would say something like "Perhaps you meant to 
use axis (or axes, as appropriate) here?"


belinda thom wrote:
> On Dec 16, 2006, at 8:10 PM, John Hunter wrote:
>>     Simson> 3. If I was going to make a major change to the API at
>>     Simson> this point, it would be to make it so that you don't have
>>     Simson> a class/function/ identifier called "axes" and another one
>>     Simson> called "axis." I frequently get confused between these two
>>     Simson> words; I imagine that non-native English speakers get
>>     Simson> confused even more frequently. Irregular noun plurals in
>>     Simson> English are confusing, and it probably isn't necessary to
>>     Simson> use both.  One approach would be to never allow "axis," to
>>     Simson> only allow "xaxis" and "yaxis" and perhaps something
>>     Simson> (either_axis?) for the abstract super-class, but this may
>>     Simson> be a bigger change than you wish to consider at the
>>     Simson> present time.
>> Yes, this is a confusing and poor nomenclature.  We're probably stuck
>> with it at this point, since it fairly deeply ingrained.
> The axis/axes function names are Matlab relics, so to have used  
> something else would probably have caused other complaints.
> On the bright side, at least w/matplotlib, you're not paying out the  
> wazoo :-) for such things.
> --b
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