Help! I'm trying to make multiple plots in a web app and old plots seem to
stick around and show up on new plots!??!

Is there someway to "erase the canvas" or avoid this happening?

Sound familiar?

growth function below is the first plot that is ok.
management function below is the one that has growth plot in it.



import matplotlib
import pylab


def growth(company):
        Plots Growth plot.

        # Generates figure_, plot_ and functions.

        figure_      = pylab.figure()
        plot_        = pylab.subplot(111, axisbg=BACKGROUND_COLOR)
        years_plus_5 = company.years + range(max(company.years) + 1,
                                             max(company.years) + 6)
        five_percent         = [1.05 ** (y - min(company.years))
                               for y in years_plus_5]
        ten_percent          = [1.10 ** (y - min(company.years))
                               for y in years_plus_5]
        fifteen_percent      = [1.15 ** (y - min(company.years))
                               for y in years_plus_5]
        twenty_percent       = [1.20 ** (y - min(company.years))
                               for y in years_plus_5]
        twenty_five_percent  = [1.25 ** (y - min(company.years))
                               for y in years_plus_5]
        thirty_percent       = [1.30 ** (y - min(company.years))
                               for y in years_plus_5]
        scaled_sales         = [50.0 * e / company.sales[-1]
                                for e in company.sales]
        scaled_earnings      = [30.0 * e / company.earnings[-1]
                                for e in company.earnings]
        scaled_pretax_profit = [10.0 * e / company.pretax_profit[-1]
                                for e in company.pretax_profit]
        scaled_low_price     = [100.0 * e / company.high_price[-1]
                                for e in company.low_price]
        scaled_high_price    = [100.0 * e / company.high_price[-1]
                                for e in company.high_price]
        functions = plot_.semilogy(company.years, scaled_sales,
                                   company.years, scaled_earnings,
                                   company.years, scaled_pretax_profit,
                                   years_plus_5,  five_percent,
                                   years_plus_5,  ten_percent,
                                   years_plus_5,  fifteen_percent,
                                   years_plus_5,  twenty_percent,
                                   years_plus_5,  twenty_five_percent,
                                   years_plus_5,  thirty_percent)

        # Adds price bars and sets their thickness.

        offset = 0.12
        for i, y in enumerate(company.years):
                plot_.semilogy((y, y),
                               (scaled_low_price[i], scaled_high_price[i]),
                               linewidth="2.2", color = "black", zorder = 1)
                plot_.semilogy((y - offset, y + offset),
                               (scaled_low_price[i], scaled_low_price[i]),
                               linewidth="2.2", color = "black", zorder = 1)
                plot_.semilogy((y - offset, y + offset),
                               (scaled_high_price[i], scaled_high_price[i]),
                               linewidth="2.2", color = "black", zorder = 1)

        # Adds sales, earnings and pretax_profit points.

        points = []
        points.append(pylab.scatter(company.years, scaled_sales,         200,
                                  c = BACKGROUND_COLOR))
        points.append(pylab.scatter(company.years, scaled_earnings,      200,
                                  c = BACKGROUND_COLOR))
        points.append(pylab.scatter(company.years, scaled_pretax_profit, 200,
                                  c = BACKGROUND_COLOR))

        # Configures points.

        pylab.setp(points[0], linewidth = "1.3", edgecolor = "g", zorder = 12)
        pylab.setp(points[1], linewidth = "1.3", edgecolor = "b", zorder = 11)
        pylab.setp(points[2], linewidth = "1.3", edgecolor = "r", zorder = 10)

        # Configures earnings, sales and pretax_profit.

        pylab.setp(functions[0], linewidth = "3.0", color = "g", zorder = 9)
        pylab.setp(functions[1], linewidth = "3.0", color = "b", zorder = 8)
        pylab.setp(functions[2], linewidth = "3.0", color = "r", zorder = 7)

        # Configures percentage growth.

        for f in functions[-6:]:
                pylab.setp(f, linewidth = "0.5", color = "k", zorder = 5)

        # Configures grid.

        grid_ = plot_.get_xgridlines() + plot_.get_ygridlines()
        pylab.setp(grid_, linestyle = "-", color = "k", linewidth = "0.5",
                   zorder = 5)

        # Sets view range for both axes.

        pylab.axis([min(company.years), max(company.years) + 5, 1, 200])

        # Specifies tick values, color, size and boldness.

        x_tick_values = years_plus_5
        x_tick_labels = len(x_tick_values) * [""]
        for i in range(1, len(x_tick_values), 2):
                x_tick_labels[i] = str(x_tick_values[i])
        pylab.xticks(x_tick_values, x_tick_labels,
                     color = "k", fontsize = 15, fontweight = "bold")
        y_tick_values = range(1, 11, 1) + range(10, 110, 10) + [200]
        y_tick_labels = len(y_tick_values) * [""]
        for e in [1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 200]:
                y_tick_labels[y_tick_values.index(e)] = str(e)
        pylab.yticks(y_tick_values, y_tick_labels,
                     color = "k", fontsize = 15, fontweight = "bold")

        # Adds labels for percentage growth lines.

        pylab.text(max(years_plus_5),  2.0,  " 5%", fontsize = 15)
        pylab.text(max(years_plus_5),  3.8, " 10%", fontsize = 15)
        pylab.text(max(years_plus_5),  7.0, " 15%", fontsize = 15)
        pylab.text(max(years_plus_5), 13.0, " 20%", fontsize = 15)
        pylab.text(max(years_plus_5), 23.0, " 25%", fontsize = 15)
        pylab.text(max(years_plus_5), 40.0, " 30%", fontsize = 15)

        # Adds labels for earnings, sales and pretax profit points.

        for c in zip(company.years, scaled_sales):
                pylab.text(c[0], c[1], "S",
                           horizontalalignment = 'center',
                           verticalalignment = 'center',
                           color = "g",
                           clip_on = True,
                           zorder = 12,
                           fontweight = "bold",
                           fontsize = 15)
        for c in zip(company.years, scaled_earnings):
                pylab.text(c[0], c[1], "E",
                           horizontalalignment = 'center',
                           verticalalignment = 'center',
                           color = "b",
                           clip_on = True,
                           zorder = 11,
                           fontweight = "bold",
                           fontsize = 15)
        for c in zip(company.years, scaled_pretax_profit):
                pylab.text(c[0], c[1], "P",
                           horizontalalignment = 'center',
                           verticalalignment = 'center',
                           color = "r",
                           clip_on = True,
                           zorder = 10,
                           fontweight = "bold",
                           fontsize = 15)

        # Sets background of figure to be transparent.


        # Creates a PNG file.

        pylab.savefig("gnustocks/static/images/growth_plot.png", dpi = (100))

def management(company):
        figure_ = pylab.figure()

        t = pylab.arange(0.0, 2.0, 0.01)
        import math
        s = pylab.sin(2*math.pi*t)
        pylab.plot(t, s, linewidth=1.0)

        pylab.xlabel('time (s)')
        pylab.ylabel('voltage (mV)')
        pylab.title('About as simple as it gets, folks')
        pylab.savefig("gnustocks/static/images/management.png", dpi = (100))

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