Matthias Michler wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> some time ago I send the first mail concerning "pylab.autoscale_view()".
> Unfortunately nobody reponsed - so I ask you again for any suggestions.
> If I should set up another example or explain it, please let me know.
> best regards and thanks in advance for any hint,
> Matthias
> On Tuesday 13 February 2007 13:21, Matthias Michler wrote:
>> Hello everbody,
>> sometimes I need an autoscaling when my new data points in a figure have
>> small values compared to some deleted ones. So I thought
>> ax.autoscale_view() would be the solution, but it seems to remember deleted
>> data and so doesn't scale limits like I want. A little program showing my
>> problem can be seen below.
>> Could anyone help me or give me a little hint?

The autoscaling mechanism does not keep track of plot elements, so it 
has no way of knowing what to change when you delete a line.  You will 
have to keep track of the x and y extents of each element yourself, and 
manually reset the xlim and ylim when you want to rescale after deleting 
a line.  This can be done with the Axes set_xlim and set_ylim methods.


>> Thanks in advance,
>> Matthias
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> -
>> import pylab as P
>> P.ion()
>> P.figure()
>> ax = P.subplot(111)
>> P.plot(P.array([0,1]), P.array([0,2]))
>> P.plot(P.array([1.1,2]), P.array([2.2,4]))
>> P.draw()
>> raw_input(" delete one graph by pressing <return>")
>> ax.lines.pop(-1)
>> P.draw()
>> P.draw()
>> raw_input(" manually setting new limits by pressing <return>")
>> ax.set_autoscale_on = False
>> ax.axis([-0.1, 1.1, -0.1, 2.1])
>> ax.set_autoscale_on = True
>> P.draw()
>> P.draw()
>> raw_input(" do 'ax.autoscale_view()' by pressing <return> ")
>> ax.autoscale_view()
>> P.draw()
>> P.draw()
>> # autoscale_view() rescales to old limits with all of the data
>> raw_input(" end programm by pressing <return>")
>> P.ioff()
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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