Hi Eric,

Thanks for your response.

> One way this could happen is if the .matplotlib directory exists  
> but is not writable; such a case would give the error traceback you  
> see with little clue as to what and where the problem really is.   
> So, __init__.py certainly could be improved.  (Offhand, I don't  
> even know why the existence of such a writable config directory  
> should be required.)

I'm pretty sure the directory is writeable, as my default settings  
are 755 for new files/dirs (umask=022). Unless, indeed, some process  
changed that. But when I looked after the crash, the permissions were  
And yes, I was somewhat surprised by the writeable requirement of the  
config dir as well.

> In the meantime, to solve your particular problem: my guess is that  
> when you run a script as a daemon, and it runs more scripts, the  
> environment is not what you think it is (or what it is when you run  
> interactively), so __init__.py is not looking where you think it  
> is.  Either that, or the uid/gid of the script are not the same as  
> yours, so the script can't write to your .matplotlib directory even  
> though you can.  Instead of ignoring the _is_writable(p) result,  
> you might want to try printing out os.path.abspath(p) to verify  
> where p really is.

The OSError does show it to be the correct directory, unless there's  
a way to fool that traceback. Also, I haven't set MATPLOTLIBRC  
anywhere, so I guess it picks up .matplotlibrc in my HOME (which I  
assume is set automatically by the system, even for daemon scripts).  
I'll put in the os.path.abspath output anyway.
I wouldn't know 100% about the uid/gid, but everything is done under  
my user account (I don't have access to any other account on this  
system anyway), so might be hard to have that changed).

Thanks again for the response.



>>    Hi all,
>> I recently run into a problem with the .matplotlib directory. I  
>> run a  script as a daemon, that in its turn runs several scripts  
>> to create  graphs (often the same script with different input  
>> parameters),  dependent on an outside trigger. Recently, I found  
>> that these script  crashed with an OSError during the 'import  
>> matplotlib' phase, at the  point where it tries to check that  
>> the .matplotlib directory is  writeable. The exact traceback is  
>> appended below.
>> Searching on the mailing list, I found someone had the same  
>> problem  almost a year ago ( http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/ 
>> message.php? msg_id=44964AD1.605%40yahoo.com ), but it appears  
>> that that post  doesn't have a response.
>> A wider search resulted in this post, http://osdir.com/ml/ 
>> python.peak/ 2006-06/msg00019.html , where the response suggests  
>> these problems  are caused by all the things mpl does in its  
>> __init__ file.
>> A few notes on my setup:
>> - the .matplotlib is a symbolic link to a .python/matplotlib   
>> directory, since I'd like to keep my python resources together   
>> (eg, .python also contains an ipython directory). I've currently   
>> changed the symlink to a proper directory, but haven't had a  
>> chance  to test this new setup. Anyway, afaik, symlinks should  
>> work properly
>> - the scripts that are run from the daemon script, are run in the   
>> background, and quite often shortly after each other. Whether  
>> that  creates a deadlock situation or something, I don't know.  
>> Obviously,  I'm using a non-interactive backend, agg in this case.
>> - the problem only showed after I upgraded from mpl version 0.87  
>> to 0.9.
>> - interactively, everything runs fine.
>> - everything runs under a locally installed python, which is  
>> called  with the appropriate path from the script
>> - python version 2.4.4, numpy version 1.0
>> Does anyone have a suggestion what went wrong, and how to  
>> properly  fix all this? As a temporary measure, I now ignore the  
>> _is_writeable (p) result in __init__.py (the directory, and  
>> therefore the symlink,  were/are writeable when this occurred, as  
>> far as I can tell).
>> I like mpl very much, but this problem may render it much less  
>> usable  for me; a temporary fix would be fine for now, but it  
>> actually feels  like a bug to me.
>> Thanks a lot,
>>    Evert
>> full traceback (note: replaced directories with ~)
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>    File "~/myscript.py", line 64, in ?
>>      sys.exit(main())
>>    File "~/myscript.py", line 59, in main
>>      return run(parser)
>>    File "~/myscript.py", line 27, in run
>>      sigmaclip=parser['sigmaclip'], invert=True, compass=True)
>>    File "~/python/modules/fitsimage/FITSImage_numpy.py", line 777,  
>> in  plot
>>      import matplotlib as mpl
>>    File "~/sw/lib/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/ 
>> __init__.py",  line 1019, in ?
>>      rcParams = rc_params()
>>    File "~/sw/lib/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/ 
>> __init__.py",  line 976, in rc_params
>>      fname = matplotlib_fname()
>>    File "~/sw/lib/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/ 
>> __init__.py",  line 922, in matplotlib_fname
>>      fname = os.path.join(get_configdir(), 'matplotlibrc')
>>    File "~/sw/lib/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/ 
>> __init__.py",  line 273, in wrapper
>>      ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
>>    File "~/sw/lib/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/ 
>> __init__.py",  line 329, in _get_configdir
>>      os.mkdir(p)
>> OSError: [Errno 17] File exists: '<...>/.matplotlib'

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