Sorry.  Just discover that saving the file in emf format under Inkscape and 
then import into Word works even better.   The eps engine in Word is really bad.

Hope that this info is helpful to others who are stuck in an Office world like 

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
> Sent: Friday, May 11, 2007 1:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Matplotlib-users] This is just so perfect! (was: 
> Re: SVG vs PNG)
> This is simply too good to be true.  I played with 
> manupulating MPL plots using Inkscape and man, somebody ought 
> to include this in the MPL FAQ.   I can move everything 
> around by elements, touch-up or remove things I don't want, 
> scale it, rotate it, you name it.
> And then I can save the file in .eps and include into Office 
> - and I don't loose any quality.
> Perfect!
> Here's what I learned:
> a) Create the plot under MPL, saving the file in .svg format, 
> and use the figsize argument to figure to create a plot of 
> the proper size
> b) Use Inkscape to open the .svg file and manupulate it.  
> Save in .eps format.
> c) Import the .eps file into Office.
> d) Be happy and become famous and rich.   (not)
> Thanks again for all of the suggestions and tips.
> Regards,
John Henry

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