Hi all,


I have a plot of data that I am enabling the user to interact with.
That is, I want them to be able to pick a point, and then have a new
plot pop up in a different figure showing more info about that point.


So, looking through the manual and the tutorial I have taken the code
from one of the examples and am trying to modify it to work for my
needs.  Here's what I have so far:


field = arrange(-1,1.25,0.25)

CA = cellArray() # this is an object defined elsewhere.

Ij = # a list of 2d arrays of data


def state_picker(line, mouseevent):

            if mouseevent.xdata is None: 

                        return False, dict()

            xdata = line.get_xdata()

            ydata = line.get_ydata()

            maxd = 0.1

            d = nx.sqrt((xdata - mouseevent.xdata)**2. + (ydata -


            ind = nx.nonzero(nx.less_equal(d, maxd))

            if len(ind):

                        out = dict(ind=ind)

                        return True, out


                        return False, dict()


def onpick2(event,cellArray,Ij):

            Ij = Ij[event.ind]  # chose the list element from Ij
corresponds to the point selected by the user

            cellArray.plot('flux',inputIj=Ij) # the cellArray object has
its own plot method that requires these two arguments


fig = figure()

ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)

ax1.set_title('Energy States vs. Applied Flux per cell')

for i in range(len(field)):

            # energy is a list of arrays of different length 

picker = state_picker)


ax1.set_xlabel('Applied Flux per cell')

ax1.set_ylabel('Array Energy (Ej)')

fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', onpick2)





The problem I'm having is that I can't seem to pass extra arguments to
either state_picker or onpick2.  Can I?


thanks for your help,





Trevis Crane

Postdoctoral Research Assoc.

Department of Physics

University of Ilinois

1110 W. Green St.

Urbana, IL 61801


p: 217-244-8652

f: 217-244-2278




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