Hi Paul,

Paul Smith wrote:
> I’ve converted an analysis program that does some plotting to use the 
> matplotlib API, then wrote a GUI control program using wxWidgets to 
> call it. I’ve tried to keep the two parts as separate as possible so 
> there is an analysis class that is instantiated in the GUI part, and 
> then the GUI part just calls the analysis methods.
> Ok, so under ipython -pylab everything seems to (mostly) go ok. The 
> GUI comes up, data gets loaded into the analysis object, processed and 
> plotted in a couple of separate matplotlib windows (ie. ones that are 
> not specifically part of the GUI), and results come back to update 
> some wx textctrl fields on the GUI. I qualify this as mostly ok 
> because if I use the TkAgg backend for the plotting, which is done by 
> the analysis class, the whole lot crashes to non-existence as soon as 
> either plot window is moved (yep, this is Windows). If I use the wxAgg 
> backend, however, it seems to play nice(r).
I think this is due to using TkAgg with wxPython, IIRC TK and WX don't
"like" to work together, I think there is some conflict but don't
remember the details.
> The problem is when all this is done outside of ipython – ie. running 
> from the command line ala “python myAnalysisUI.py” - the matplotlib 
> figures come up when required but text fields are no longer updated in 
> the GUI once plotting is done. The GUI is still responsive to clicks 
> on buttons etc, but it’s as if the final bit after plotting gets blocked.
> This makes me wonder about a couple of things. How well do essentially 
> independent matplotlib windows work with a wx App?
What do you call an independent window? Is this a wx.Frame which shows
the matplotlib plots?

Do have a smallish sample which shows the problem?

> The other vitals are: OS: WinXP, Python 2.5, matplotlib 0.90.1, 
> wxPython, ipython 0.8.2
I have just about the same, WinXP / Vista, Python 2.5.1, matplotlib
0.90.1 wxPython (but have used older versions too).


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