On 6/26/07, Matthias Michler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> first of all: Sorry for posting to my own thread.
> But I really like this new feature and may be the last message got lost among
> the lots of mpl-mails. So I ask you once more for comments on this issue
> (please).
> Is this new feature a bug to some of the RectangleSelector-users or a real
> feature?
> Could it be part of mpl?

Thanks for reminding us on this one.  Making these widgets work well
together can be a pain.  I wrote some locking functionality to help
coordinate them, is any of this functionality useful to you?

The patch looks mostly correct, but the code trying to get the toolbar
state is problematic

+        # If zoom mode was activated
+        if not (Gcf.get_active().toolbar.mode == ''):
+            return True

Gcf is a pylab construct, and code in widgets must not be dependent on
pylab.  Also, using the mode string here looks a bit hackish since it
is designed to communicate to the user rather than represent state.
See if you can use the lock functionality to achieve the same purpose
-- eg look at how widgetlock is used in the toolbar in backend_bases.
If this is not viable, let me know why and we'll figure a better way
for these widgets to communicate.


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