Hi all,
Here a quick update:
I'm trying to have a concise / sparse module with containing only
pylab-specific names and not all names I already have in numpy.
To easy typing I want to call numpy "N" and my pylab "P".

I'm now using this code:
<code snipplet for importing matplotlib>
    import matplotlib, new
    from  matplotlib import pylab
    P = new.module("pylab_sparse","""pylab module minus stuff alreay
in numpy""")
    for k,v in pylab.__dict__.iteritems():
           if v is N.__dict__[k]:
        except KeyError:
        P.__dict__[k] = v

    del matplotlib, new, pylab
</code sniplet for importing matplotlib>

The result is "some" reduction in the number of non-pylab-specific
names in my "P"-module. However there seem to be still many extra
names left, like e.g.:
alltrue, amax, array, ...
look at this:
    # 20070802
    # >>> len(dir(pylab))
    # 441
    # >>> len(dir(P))
    # 346
    # >>> P.nx.numpy.__version__
    # '1.0.1'
    # >>> N.__version__
    # '1.0.1'
    # >>> N.alltrue
    # <function alltrue at 0x01471B70>
    # >>> P.alltrue
    # <function alltrue at 0x019142F0>
    # >>> N.alltrue.__doc__
    # 'Perform a logical_and over the given axis.'
    # >>> P.alltrue.__doc__
    # >>> #N.alltrue(x, axis=None, out=None)
    # >>> #P.alltrue(x, axis=0)

I'm using matplotlib with
__version__  = '0.90.0'
__revision__ = '$Revision: 3003 $'
__date__     = '$Date: 2007-02-06 22:24:06 -0500 (Tue, 06 Feb 2007) $'

Any hint how to further reduce the number of names in "P" ?
My ideal would be that the "P" module (short for pylab) would only
contain the stuff described in the __doc__ strings of `pylab.py` and
`__init__.py`(in matplotlib)  (+ plus some extra, undocumented, yet
pylab specific things)


On 3/16/07, Eric Firing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sebastian Haase wrote:
> > Hi!
> > I use the wxPython PyShell.
> > I like especially the feature that when typing a module and then the
> > dot "." I get a popup list of all available functions (names) inside
> > that module.
> >
> > Secondly,  I think it really makes code clearer when one can see where
> > a function comes from.
> >
> > I have a default
> > import numpy as N
> > executed before my shell even starts.
> > In fact I have a bunch of my "standard" modules imported as <some
> > single capital letter>.
> >
> > This - I think - is a good compromise to the commonly used "extra
> > typing" and "unreadable"  argument.
> >
> > a = sin(b) * arange(10,50, .1) * cos(d)
> > vs.
> > a = N.sin(b) * N.arange(10,50, .1) * N.cos(d)
> I generally do the latter, but really, all those "N." bits are still
> visual noise when it comes to reading the code--that is, seeing the
> algorithm rather than where the functions come from.  I don't think
> there is anything wrong with explicitly importing commonly-used names,
> especially things like sin and cos.
> >
> > I would like to hear some comments by others.
> >
> >
> > On a different note: I just started using pylab, so I did added an
> > automatic  "from matplotlib import pylab as P" -- but now P contains
> > everything that I already have in N.  It makes it really hard to
> > *find* (as in *see* n the popup-list) the pylab-only functions. --
> > what can I do about this ?
> A quick and dirty solution would be to comment out most of the imports
> in pylab.py; they are not needed for the pylab functions and are there
> only to give people lots of functionality in a single namespace.
> I am cross-posting this to matplotlib-users because it involves mpl, and
> an alternative solution would be for us to add an rcParam entry to allow
> one to turn off all of the namespace consolidation.  A danger is that if
> someone is using "from pylab import *" in a script, then whether it
> would run would depend on the matplotlibrc file.  To get around that,
> another possibility would be to break pylab.py into two parts, with
> pylab.py continuing to do the namespace consolidation and importing the
> second part, which would contain the actual pylab functions.  Then if
> you don't want the namespace consolidation, you could simply import the
> second part instead of pylab.  There may be devils in the details, but
> it seems to me that this last alternative--splitting pylab.py--might
> make a number of people happier while having no adverse effects on
> everyone else.
> Eric
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Sebastian

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