Greg Willden wrote:
> It seems that the list configuration is somewhat broken.
> The reply-to header is not set in some emails sent to the list.
> This means that replies go directly to the requestors but not to the 
> list as a whole.
> That seems pretty broken to me.

me too, but there are folks that are convinced that this is the way to 
have things set up. There was a pretty extensive discussion about it on 
this list a year or so ago (but it may have been another list I'm on). 
The discussion included a link to someones very well written BLOG entry 
on why mailing lists should be set up without the reply-to header sent. 
It was very well written and argued, but frankly, I think, based on 
false assumptions.

It comes down to this:

Which is worse (pro-rated by how likely it is)?

Accidentally sending what was intended as a private note to the list.


Accidentally sending what was meant as a list note to only the OP and 
often ending up with many copies of the same message, as reply-to all 
keeps adding each contributor to the thread.

Note that with the current system, you have to hit "reply-to-all", which 
ends up sending duplicate copies to the OP (and anyone else that has 
added to the thread) unless you make a point of deleting the extra 
receiver. I try to do that, but it is a pain.

However, this has been argued out, and a decision made, so I probably 
shouldn't have written this. Sorry.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R            (206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
Seattle, WA  98115       (206) 526-6317   main reception


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