"Lee, Young-Jin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Then, I realized because each bar is so narrow I can't see the color of
> the bars but only outside lines (I see the colors by zooming it), which
> I couldn't find a way to change the color. My question is, is there any
> way either 1) to get rid of the outside lines or 2) to change the color
> of the lines? Thanks much in advance!

To get rid of the lines, set the linewidth property of the bars to 0; 
to change their color, set the edgecolor property. For example, using
ipython -pylab:

In [31]: a=bar([1,2,3,4],[3,1,4,1],lw=0)

In [32]: setp(a[1], lw=10, ec='red')
Out[32]: [None, None]

Here I used the abbreviations lw and ec for linewidth and edgecolor. 
The first command creates a bar chart where all bars have line width 
zero, the second modifies one of the bars to have very thick red edges. 
You can experiment with the properties using the pylab commands getp 
and setp.

Jouni K. Seppänen

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