Alan G Isaac wrote:
> On Fri, 31 Aug 2007, Eric Firing apparently wrote:
>> marker='None' is allowed, as is ' ' and ''.  Do you need None? 
> I recently returned to some old figures where I did things 
> like this:
> ls1 = dict(linestyle='-', marker=None, color=(0,0,1), linewidth=2, 
> zorder=1000)
> fig_ax.plot_date(dates, data, **ls1)
> This now fails with a KeyError.
> However changing to marker='' works fine.
> I find that a bit less intuitve than marker=None,
> but I understand you to say that this should mean "use the default".

Yes, I think that quite some time ago we discussed this and decided to 
use the string "None" as well as empty strings, and to reserve the 
Python None for "use the default".  I believe it was originally in the 
context of color specifications, and we then extended it to be a general 
convention.  What is inconsistent is that in some cases one can 
explicitly use, e.g., marker=None for the default and in other cases, 
such as the plot command, one cannot.  It is a question of whether the 
kwargs are being passed directly to the initializer or whether they are 
being applied after initialization via setters.  I don't think it would 
be difficult to remove this inconsistency, and maybe it is worth doing. 
  I'm not inspired to do it immediately, though.  Certainly the question 
should be addresses if the API is redone using traits.


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