Thanks Eric.

However, when I specify the same number of levels as suggested, contourf 
divides this example into three regions, with a diagonal 'stripe' instead of a 
clean boundary, so I guess I'm asking whether it's possible to trick contourf 
into generating a single boundary between the two regions such that it matches 
that found by contour?

For the moment, a suitable workaround seems to be to do


where the background colour is white. This generates what I'm after.

I notice also that linewidths is mentioned in the docstring under Obsolete:, 
but it seems to do nothing, so it should probably be removed from the docstring.

thanks again,

---- Eric Firing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Gary Ruben wrote:
> > I'm notice that contourf behaves differently to contour by default in 
> > where it decides to position contours. For example, using pylab, if you try
> > 
> > a=tri(10)
> > contourf(a,0)
> > contour(a,1)
> > 
> > I'd have expected the contours to line up, but they don't. Is there a 
> > way to get contourf to place its contours at the same position as contour?
> Specify the same number of levels:
> contourf(a,1)
> contour(a,1)
> That takes care of this simple case.  There are other cases, however, 
> where contour and contourf simply don't agree; contouring is ambiguous, 
> and only part of the algorithm is shared between contour and contourf. 
> For well-behaved datasets this is normally not a problem, but it becomes 
> obvious if you contour a random array.
> Eric

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