The short answer to your two messages is that pcolor and contour 
required gridded data in 2D arrays, and it looks like you are supplying 
1D arrays.  Look at the differences between what you have below and what 
is in the pcolor_demo that you started with.  Meshgrid is generating 2D 
arrays for X and Y so that Z is also 2D.  There are other ways of doing 
it, and for a Cartesian grid, X and Y don't actually have to be 
2D--although I find that there is now a bug in svn such that 1D x and y 
don't work.  I will fix that.  But in any case, Z *must* be a 2D array.

If the data you really want to plot are not already on a grid, then you 
will need to use a gridding routine, which is not included in mpl.


yadin Bocuma Rivas wrote:
> I i have tree lists of values
> list x of 100... values
> list y of 100.. values
> list mag of 100.. values
> list x and y are coordiantes of points
> and list Mag is magnitude of something at that point
> how can i plot this quantities using pcolor
> from __future__ import division
> from matplotlib.patches import Patch
> from pylab import *
> def func3(x,y):
>     return (1- x/2 + x**5 + y**3)*exp(-x**2-y**2)
> # make these smaller to increase the resolution
> dx, dy = 0.5, 0.5
> X = arange(-3.0, 3.0001, dx)
> Y = arange(-3.0, 3.0001, dy)
> Mag= X**2+Y**2
> pcolor(X, Y, Mag, shading='flat')
> colorbar()
> axis([-3,3,-3,3])
> savefig('pcolor_demo')
> show()
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