Jeremy Conlin wrote:
> On 10/18/07, Eric Firing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Jeremy Conlin wrote:
>>> On 10/17/07, Charles Seaton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Jeremy,
>>>> I ran across the answer to this last week while searching the list for
>>>> info on datestr2num (both subjects happened to come up in the same
>>>> exchange).
>>>> plot(x, y, linestyle='*steps*')
>>>> Charles Seaton
>>> Well that's great!  (I should have at least tried making such a plot
>>> before posting.  Sorry.)  How come I couldn't find it in the
>>> documentation?  I can't find anything about available linestyles.  Am
>>> I looking the wrong location?  I am looking at users_guide_0.9.0.pdf
>> The user's guide tends to lag.  To find the latest features, look at the
>> CHANGELOG, the examples, and the docstrings.  Ipython is a big help for
>> looking at docstrings and trying things out.  Are you familiar with it?
>> Eric
> I am familiar with IPython and use it all the time as a replacement
> for the standard Python interpreter.  I don't always use the extra
> features it offers.  I just did
> help pylab.plot

Even easier:


And for more detail (but mostly useful for matplotlib modules and 
functions rather than for their pylab wrappers), use two question marks 
to view the source code.

To see available functions or attributes, use tab completion.


> and there it was, what the available linestyles.  Again lesson
> learned, read the (available) documentation before asking the
> questions.  It is sometimes confusing where to go for the
> documentation.
> Thanks,
> Jeremy

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