
2007/10/29, Darran Edmundson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I'm trying to generate plots as textures for use within a real-time
> graphics application (written using the pythonOgre graphics engine).
> I'm brand new to matplotlib so please bear with me.  Two questions, one
> easy, one possibly hard.
> In the following code snippet, I create and draw a pie chart, do some
> intermediate work, update the pie fractions, and redraw.  I end up with
> the second version superimposed on the first.  Initially I thought it
> was simply a matter of clearing the canvas, but as I repeat this test
> with more and more updates, the redraw seems to slow down - this makes
> me think that each redraw is actually rerendering all the layers.  Is
> this the case?  If so, how do I avoid it?
> # create matplotlib figure
> figure = Figure(figsize=(4,3), dpi=200, frameon=True)
> figureCanvas = FigureCanvas(figure)
> # unchanging details of pie chart
> ax = figure.add_subplot(111)  # pie plot
> labels = 'Frogs', 'Hogs', 'Dogs', 'Logs'
> ax.set_title('Example pyOgre Pie Chart')
> ax.grid(True)
> ax.pie([25,25,30,20], labels=labels)
> figureCanvas.draw()
> # ....
> # update pie chart

At this point I guess you can do ax.clear() to clear the axis and
delete all the old plots.

> ax.pie([30,25,25,20], labels=labels)
> # matplotlib draw
> figureCanvas.draw()
> And the harder question.  I need access to the address of the raw image
> buffer.  (I assume this is a contiguous block of c-allocated memory?)
> Presently, I copy into a ctypes buffer but this slows things down
> significantly.  Is there an alternative approach?

Sorry I can't help with this :-/.


    ~ Antonio

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