I've recently started using matplotlib on new unix box and I'm running in to
an odd problem.  I'm not sure what the root cause is (my linux installation,
graphics drivers, matplotlib, or something else) but I thought I would ask
here to see if anyone else had experienced this.


OS: Fedora Core 8

Video Card: Nvidia GeForce 8800 Ultra

Driver: Latest Unix driver from Nvidia (169.07, release date: Dec 20, 2007)

Matplotlib version: matplotlib-0.91.2.tar.gz (built from source)

Backend chosen: qt4agg

Qt4 version: 4.3.3


The problem:  If a matplotlib plot window ever has focus, the screen colors
on the whole screen invert themselves.  White becomes black, etc.  I can
probably post a link to a screenshot if that will help, but it looks like a
simple color inversion to me.  If the plot window doesn't have focus,
everything is drawn correctly.


My simple test was:


$ ipython -pylab


In [1]: plot(range(10))


With older versions of matplotlib, the colors did not invert-the screen went
totally black when the plot window had focus.  When it doesn't, everything
looks fine.


I'm not seeing this behavior with any other application so far.  If
upgrading to the SVN trunk version would help, I'm willing to give that a
try.  But I wanted to get some feedback before updating anything else.






Dan Karipides

Tech-X Corporation


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