On Monday 14 January 2008 02:27:28 am Tom Johnson wrote:
> I was looking at rc_params() and saw
>     if not os.path.exists(fname):
>         message = 'could not find rc file; returning defaults'
>         ret =  dict([ (key, tup[0]) for key, tup in defaultParams.items()])
>         warnings.warn(message)
>         return ret
> Is this correct?  It seems that it returns a regular dictionary rather
> than an instance of RcParams.

You have a sharp eye. It is incorrect, but it turns out that block of code is 
never executed (unless the user deletes the default rc file from 
site-packages/matplotlib/mpl-data). But I changed it in the trunk to return 
an RcParams object. Thanks for the report.


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