Dear All,
I am sending this email out of frustration, but I hope that someone will 
be able to tell me what is going on.
I am using pylab on a Debian testing box.
I have the feeling that there is some problem with pylab when I 
alternate, as I am doing now, many linear and log-log plots. Very often, 
pylab complains about the fact that I cannot take the log of a negative 
number even if all the quantities are positive or even if I have 
replaced the loglog with a linear plot...
An example (sorry but there are long arrays involved and I cannot 
reproduce all my code here):

#! /usr/bin/env python

import scipy as s
import numpy as n
import pylab as p
#from rpy import r
#import distance_calc as d_calc

# now I try performing a least-square fitting
import scipy.optimize as sopt

#do my stuff here

print "my_n_clus_fit is, ", my_n_clus_fit
print "my_r_sq_fit",my_r_sq_fit
print "n_clu_rep2 is, ", n_clu_rep2
print "R_sq is", R_sq

p.plot(n_clu_rep2,R_sq,"bo",my_n_clus_fit,my_r_sq_fit, "ro")
p.xlabel('particles in cluster')
p.ylabel('R square')
#p.legend(('beta=1e-2,100 part','beta=1e-1, 100 part', 'beta=1e-1, 200 
p.title('Cluster-size vs average radius of gyration')

and the relevant part of the output is:

my_n_clus_fit is,  [  1.73717793   1.80682874   1.87927215   
1.95462012   2.03298911
   2.11450025   2.19927951   2.28745793   2.3791718    2.47456287
   2.57377856   2.67697224   2.78430338   2.89593788   3.01204829
   3.13281405   3.25842182   3.38906574   3.52494773   3.66627779
   3.81327439   3.96616469   4.12518502   4.29058114   4.46260869
   4.64153356   4.82763228   5.02119248   5.22251334   5.43190599
   5.64969409   5.87621423   6.11181652   6.35686511   6.61173873
   6.87683131   7.15255258   7.43932868   7.73760284   8.04783608
   8.37050788   8.70611696   9.05518203   9.41824259   9.79585979
  10.18861726  10.59712204  11.0220055   11.46392434  11.92356157
  12.40162761  12.89886134  13.41603127  13.95393673  14.5134091
  15.09531308  15.70054806  16.33004946  16.98479025  17.66578236
  18.37407832  19.11077287  19.87700462  20.67395784  21.50286429
  22.3650051   23.26171279  24.19437329  25.16442809  26.17337649
  27.22277791  28.31425426  29.44949252  30.63024729  31.85834351
  33.13567931  34.4642289   35.84604567  37.28326532  38.77810918
  40.33288767  41.9500038   43.63195696  45.38134673  47.20087695
  49.09335983  51.06172036  53.10900079  55.23836536  57.45310516
  59.75664325  62.15253993  64.64449825  67.23636972  69.93216028
  72.73603649  75.65233197  78.68555407  81.84039088  85.12171845]
my_r_sq_fit [ -2.44174991  -2.39098053  -2.3384157   -2.28399191  
  -2.16930217  -2.10889768  -2.04635699  -1.98160454  -1.91456212
  -1.84514875  -1.77328057  -1.69887077  -1.62182947  -1.5420636
  -1.45947681  -1.37396934  -1.2854379   -1.19377555  -1.09887155
  -1.00061127  -0.89887602  -0.7935429   -0.68448467  -0.5715696
  -0.45466128  -0.3336185   -0.20829504  -0.07853952   0.05580481
   0.19490022   0.33891475   0.48802235   0.64240314   0.80224361
   0.96773685   1.13908274   1.31648829   1.50016779   1.69034312
   1.88724399   2.09110827   2.30218221   2.52072078   2.74698797
   2.98125709   3.22381115   3.47494314   3.73495641   4.00416505
   4.28289426   4.57148072   4.87027305   5.17963218   5.49993179
   5.8315588    6.1749138    6.53041155   6.89848148   7.27956821
   7.67413208   8.0826497    8.50561455   8.94353755   9.3969477
   9.86639271  10.35243964  10.85567563  11.37670856  11.91616783
  12.47470507  13.05299499  13.65173614  14.27165177  14.91349073
  15.57802832  16.26606729  16.97843877  17.71600327  18.47965174
  19.27030664  20.08892307  20.93648986  21.81403087  22.72260612
  23.66331314  24.63728827  25.64570804  26.68979058  27.77079711
  28.89003345  30.04885158  31.24865133  32.49088201  33.77704418
  35.10869149  36.48743251  37.91493273  39.3929165   40.92316917]
n_clu_rep2 is,  [   4.    5.    6.    7.    8.   10.   11.   12.   13.   
14.   15.   16.
   17.   18.   19.   20.   21.   22.   23.   24.   25.   27.   28.   30.
   31.   32.   33.   34.   35.   36.   37.   38.   40.   41.   42.   43.
   44.   45.   46.   47.   48.   50.   51.   54.   55.   56.   57.   58.
   61.   62.   63.   67.   68.   72.   74.   77.   85.   86.   89.   91.
   92.   93.   99.  108.  113.  114.  120.  145.  196.]
R_sq is [   0.41290231    0.63219481    0.50921663    0.60545032    
    1.24577182    1.01656939    1.35542652    1.68938719    1.96960734
    1.8587407     1.25335718    3.38501487    1.73960942    2.66786771
    0.78304002    1.9472814     2.59527354    2.82129068    1.95855193
    3.97830788    2.42530912    4.77505413    8.87282622    2.6755995
    3.53707475    1.36507753    3.87191511    6.63215895    3.45373196
    8.22450598    5.15409505    3.28241933   11.51525185    1.11042409
    4.69324094    4.337342      7.0230309     6.98027636    2.10322888
    3.63283609    3.69895425    2.39382279   24.86394803    6.14874073
    6.59253038    7.7958188    20.11261061    9.22805741    1.60984999
    4.08915341   13.37680959   10.7330271     9.19988106   18.86681803
   16.01119253   16.7679522    12.83288125   28.15284186    2.96382532
   28.60613768   10.38346233   24.59404975    3.06332058  120.46780399
   29.27275139   25.00389411   17.40801449   21.23510666]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 322, in ?
    p.plot(n_clu_rep2,R_sq,"bo",my_n_clus_fit,my_r_sq_fit, "ro")
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/", line 
2028, in plot
    ret =  gca().plot(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/", line 2540, 
in plot
    self.autoscale_view(scalex=scalex, scaley=scaley)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/", line 1207, 
in autoscale_view
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/", line 1493, 
in set_xlim
    raise ValueError('Cannot set nonpositive limits with log transform')
ValueError: Cannot set nonpositive limits with log transform

But there is no log transform here! True, before I was plotting 
n_clu_rep2  and R_sq in a loglog plot, but this should not be a problem.
Is there anything wrong with:

p.plot(n_clu_rep2,R_sq,"bo",my_n_clus_fit,my_r_sq_fit, "ro")
p.xlabel('particles in cluster')
p.ylabel('R square')
#p.legend(('beta=1e-2,100 part','beta=1e-1, 100 part', 'beta=1e-1, 200 
p.title('Cluster-size vs average radius of gyration')

?? It looks like pylab is not able to "forget" the previous plots.
Any help here is really appreciated.
Many thanks


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