There have been quite a few changes to fonts in MPL since 8.x.   
Perhaps one of the biggest is mathtext.  Real unicode fonts with  
mathematics.  Since you do what I do, sort of, I am guessing that you  
might be happy with the same configuration I use.  I looks great, and  
can be edited in Illustrator (et al.).

I really like Arev Sans, but others like the new STIX fonts.  This  
setup is for Arev Sans.  The important stuff is what begins with  
mathtext.  If you want serif fonts, this should be enough to get you  
started on customizing.  Just make sure whatever fontset you pick has  
all of the math symbols built in, or change fallback_to_cm to True.

-Rob         : sans-serif          : normal
font.variant        : normal
font.weight         : medium
font.stretch        : normal
font.size           : 12.0
font.serif          : STIX, Bitstream Vera Serif, New Century  
Schoolbook, Century Schoolbook L, Utopia, ITC Bookman, Bookman,  
Nimbus Roman No9 L, Times New Roman, Times, Palatino, Charter, serif
font.sans-serif     : Arev Sans
font.cursive        : Zapfino, Apple Chancery, Textile, Sand, cursive
font.fantasy        : Chicago, Comic Sans MS, Charcoal, Impact,  
Western, fantasy
font.monospace      : Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Andale Mono, Nimbus  
Mono L, Courier New, Courier, Fixed, Terminal, monospace

text.color          : black
text.usetex         : False
text.dvipnghack     : True

mathtext.fallback_to_cm : False
mathtext.fontset : custom : Arev Sans:oblique  : Arev Sans:oblique
mathtext.rm  : Arev Sans  : Arev Sans:bold
mathtext.sf  : Arev Sans

pdf.fonttype       : 42

On Jan 16, 2008, at 10:13 PM, Jordan Dawe wrote:

> Setting ps.useafm = True while ps.fonttype = 42 allows illustrator to
> open the eps files again and gives me back text editing capability,  
> but
> I don't have any control over the typeface anymore, it just  
> defaults to
> Helvetica.
> Jordan
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Rob Hetland, Associate Professor
Dept. of Oceanography, Texas A&M University
phone: 979-458-0096, fax: 979-845-6331

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