Ryan May wrote:
> chombee wrote:
>> My legend shows both plots as the same colour (blue) when in fact they
>> are different colours. Here's the relevant code:
>>     font = FontProperties(size='small');
>>      ...
>>     b1 = bar(i,lowermeans,width,color='b')
>>     b2 = bar(i+width,uppermeans,width,color='y')
>>      ...    
>>     legend((b1,b2),(l,u),prop=font)
>> I use legend exactly like this elsewhere and it works. So I can't figure
>> out why in this case the legend shows both bars as blue.
> I managed to replicate with this example:
> import numpy as N
> import matplotlib.pyplot as P
> lowermeans = N.arange(10)
> uppermeans = lowermeans + 2
> i = N.arange(0,len(lowermeans))
> width = 0.4
> b1 = P.bar(i,lowermeans,width,color='b')
> b2 = P.bar(i+width,uppermeans,width,color='y')
> P.legend((b1,b2),('lower','upper'))
> Changing the legend call to this fixed it:
> P.legend((b1[0],b2[0]),('lower','upper'))
> It seems to work since a list of patch objects is returned by the calls
> to bar, and legend seems to only use the first two objects from the
> *first* list.  The question is, is it a bug, because it *is* very
> unexpected behavior?

Further investigation shows that the Axes.legend method calls
cbook.flatten on what is passed in as handles, which for this case where
two lists are passed in, essentially concatenates them together.  Maybe
they should be zipped first before flattening so that this use case
should work?  Or would this break some other use case for legend?


Ryan May
Graduate Research Assistant
School of Meteorology
University of Oklahoma

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