I seem to have tracked down the problem.
After calling the aspect_ratio function, the data limits don't get set.
When a new axis with sharex is called, it gets the old data limits.
After I call draw() or ax.draw() the datalimit gets set correctly.
And creating a subplot with sharex works fine.
Maybe the datalimit needs to be set at the end of the aspect_ratio function?
(I presume that is part of the draw() command)

from pylab import *

x,y = meshgrid(linspace(0,5,5),linspace(0,5,5))

ax = subplot(211)
print ax.get_xlim()  # Prints 0 to 5 while datalimit is much larger
print ax.get_xlim()  # Now datalimit is correct and sharex works
ax2 = subplot(212,sharex=ax)

On Feb 11, 2008 9:56 AM, Mark Bakker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello -
> I have a hard time getting aspect_ratio to work correctly with sharex.
> This used to work quite a while ago, and has been broken for a long time
> (or at least I don't know how to get it to work)
> But I finally found the time to put a simple example together to determine
> if I do something wrong, or whether this can be fixed easily.
> When I make a small contour plot setting the aspect ratio equal works
> fine:
> from pylab import *
> x,y = meshgrid(linspace(0,5,5),linspace(0,5,5))
> figure()
> ax = subplot(211)
> ax.contour(x,y,x)
> ax.set_aspect('equal',adjustable='datalim')
> draw()
> Note that the datalim on the x-axis is expanded, as the data limit on the
> y-axis is the determining factor.
> If I now try to do the same thing while linking the x-axis of a second
> subplot to the first one, then
> the same call to set_aspect changes the data limit on the y-axis while
> keeping the x-axis fixed.
> That seems inconsistent and is not the behavior I want:
> figure()
> ax = subplot(211)
> ax.contour(x,y,x)
> ax2 = subplot(212,sharex=ax)
> ax.set_aspect('equal',adjustable='datalim')
> draw()
> Any idea what I am doing wrong?
> Thanks, Mark
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