I'm having a couple of problems drawing a basic relational scatter plot.
(Specifically, it's called a dot-dash-plot in the book I have and is
described as "framing the bivariate scatter with the marginal distribution
of each variable.") The idea is that you have a bivariate scatter plot
and use the two marginal frequency distributions of the data as the two

1. By setting the x and y tick length and using space characters as the
tick labels I was able to get ticks only and no labels on the axes as I
want. But these ticks appear along the top and right edges of the plot,
as well as the left and bottom. Is there any way to get rid of the top
and right ticks?

2. I'm getting phantom numbers on my axes, the 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 etc. I
don't know where these are coming from or what they measure (my data
ranges from 0-7 on both axes, not 0-1).

3. I want to label each data point with a string. I'm doing this with
annotate but the strings sometimes overlap each other. Any idea how to
avoid this?

Here's a PNG of my plot as it is:


And here's the source:

# datax and datay are equal length lists of floats, the data I want to 
# plot. labels is another equal length list containing the strings I 
# want to label the data points with. All three lists are in the same
# order.

xticks(datax,' '*len(datax))
yticks(datay,' '*len(datay))
xlabel('Proportion of total number of cards, week 1')
ylabel('Proportion of total number of cards, week 2')
title('Frequency of cards per function')
for label,x,y in map(None,labels,datax,datay):


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