Lionel Roubeyrie wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm sure it's a trivial question, but can't find any valid answer in the 
> basemap examples directory or with google : I have a georeferenced TIFF file 
> in 'lcc' projection, representing a little portion of France, and I need to 
> put it on a map, resets map limits to a closed portion of the map, and put 
> contours on it. I see how to initialise Basemap with the limits of the 
> raster, but not how to "make a zoom" in the map by specifing coordinates.
> Thanks for your help
Lionel:  You can use the set_xlim and set_ylim axes methods to manually 
'zoom' the plot.  It has to be done after all the other plotting though, 
since all the Basemap methods (contour, imshow etc) will reset the axes 
limits to show the entire map region. 


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