Thanks for you reply Eric.
Since I am a beginner in matplotlib, I don't want to blame the soft 
first. I mean it could be a bug, but I have the feeling my code for 
masking the missing data is useless.

My real question is : How to mask data that do not exist ??? In the example, it is show how to mask data from a set like "My 
data are
y =  sin(x) or anyelse continuous fonction and I want to mask 1,2,3 so I 
write : ym = ma.masked_where(y <3, y)

But in my case, it is more like :
x = [1,2,3,4,7,8,9,15,16,17]
y = discrete values (no continuous fonction !) like 
What I want to do with these data :
1/plot graph with no line connecting the point (x,y) = (4,17) and the 
point (7,3), etc.
2/fill the space under the plot but do not fill the space where there is 
no data (eg between the same 2 points).

The 1st thing seems to be easy = just follow the example masked_demo
But in my case, how can I mask data that don't exist ? I can't write ym 
= ma.masked_where(y <3, y)

Hum, I hope I was clearer....

Eric Firing a écrit :
> You have run into a bug in the combination of poly_between and 
> fill--maybe only the former, which not taking masked arrays into 
> account.  I have not looked at it enough to know whether it will be 
> easy or hard to fix, but it certainly should be fixed.  I can't look 
> at it more right now, unfortunately.
> Eric
> Michaël Douchin wrote:
>> Hi list
>> I searched the list and google, but couldn't find a way to solve my pbm.
>> I have data stored in a list (from an sql query) , with these "columns":
>> x = time serie in hours
>> y = some level value
>> There are some missing values : eg between 08:33 and 08:40.
>> Here is my code :
>>     sqla="SELECT * FROM import_parcelle a WHERE dat_loc='" + 
>> date_traite + "' AND code_uc='" + code_uc + "' ORDER BY a.heu_loc ;"
>>     resa=db.query(sqla)
>>     data=resa.dictresult()  #x = time serie
>>     x= [ datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(a["dat_loc"]+" 
>> "+a["heu_loc"],'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')[0:6] )  for a in data]
>> #y5 = tank level
>>     y5= [float(a["niv_cuv"]) for a in data] # --> extraction de la 
>> colonne y1
>>     figure()
>> # the plot command with no mask
>> plot_date(x,y5,color='b',linestyle='None',marker='',xdate=True,ydate=False) 
>> #the mask
>>     #ym5 = ma.masked_where(y5 <300, y5)
>>     #plot_date(x,ym5,color='r',linestyle='-',xdate=True,ydate=False)
>> #the filling under the curve
>>     xs, ys = poly_between(x, 0, y5)
>>     fill(xs,ys)
>> Here is the result:
>> As you see, I commented the lines with the mask, because it did not 
>> change anything
>> To see what I am looking for, here is the result under R (a 
>> statistical tool)
>> As you see, between 08:48 and 08:50 (for example), there is a gap, 
>> showing we  have no data for this interval.
>> As I want to automatically draw this graph for different set of data, 
>> I can't look each set in detail.
>> I tried to folow the example, but I could not adapt it 
>> to my case....
>> Any hint ?
>> Thanks very much in advance
>> Michael
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