sa6113 wrote:
> I need QImage in order to display or use in GUI , for exa. in QFrame or
> QLabel , I can convert the Image to QImage , but the problem is that I
> haven't access to Image object without saving that , also I can convert the
> figure (Plot) to string or buffer but I don't know what should I do after
> that and how convert it to Image.

I'm going to try one more time -- I actually answered all this in my 
last note:

1) you may not need to do this yourself at all -- look at the embedding 
in QT examples -- they show you how to embed MPL plots in a regular old 
QT application.

This may help:

or this:
(that should be in the MPL distro too)

2) If you really do need to convert the binary image data from MPL into 
a QImage, then you may be able to figure out how by looking at the QT 
backend code. If that doesn't work, then this is a question for the PyQT 
docs or mailing list.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
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