Hi Zane,

>This all seems to suggest to me, after a little poking around, that the 
>NetCDF file format would be good.  I've managed to get SciPy and 
>Matplotlib and Basemap installed and apparently working together 
>happily... but I can't seem to find any "official" module within that 
>structure for writing NetCDF files.  There are references to the old 
>Scientific.IO.NetCDF package, and I found something that had been 
>hanging around in the scipy.sandbox area... but which isn't there any 
>more.  There's quite a list of Python interfaces to NetCDF on the 
>Unidata website... but they don't make any recommendations as to which 
>is "best".

>If I'm going to be working within Matplotlib and Basemap and SciPy, does 
>anyone have a good recommendation for which NetCDF Python package to 
>use?  Or issues I should consider?

I have been very happy with PyNIO. The main reason I choose this package was
that it has support for other formats as well (e.g. GRIB) and is actively 
and has great support. The next version of it will also be open source if that

Another package which I have been looking at is netcdf4-python. The interface
seems very similar to that of PyNIO and it has some nice features that are
not present in the PyNIO package. I really like the features that are handling
Climate and Forecast convention specialities. These are date conversion 
(which I am using in combination with the PyNIO package) and automatic packing
and unpacking.

Hope this helps,


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