> Thanks,
>  I'll give that a try.  I had seen the other example, but had a very 
> difficult time figuring out what this line does:
> x, y = zip(*m.cities)

See the docs for the zip built-in python function at 

x,y = zip(*<list of tuples> is just the reverse of zip(x,y)


>    Frankly, I have google'ed possibilities, but "zip" is so 
> ubiquitous, that figuring out what it really does in THIS case is 
> difficult. Do you have a good explanation of why that's necessary?  (I 
> saw nothing in the shapefile docs that talks to zipping files.
>  I'm not sure why 'enumerate' doesn't work?
>   I will give the annotate a try with the code you provided and see if 
> that works.   Also, is there a particular reason why you chose '10' 
> for your zorder?  Use of that parameter is not especially clear in the 
> documentaion - perhaps having a table with what other thing's zorders 
> are would help.
There's nothing magic about 10.  It just has to be greater than 1 so the 
dots come out on top of the continent fill.  If you leave out the call 
to fillcontinents, you don't need the zorder at all.
>    As for suggestions about the shapefile doc/usability.  I think it's 
> hard to handle such a multidimensional data format in a workable 
> sense.  I'm getting the hang of it.   It's hard to have visualization 
> of what the shapefile looks like.  Perhaps some kind of auto schematic 
> (think Visio or graphviz) function would be neat to show how things 
> are mapped in the shapefile and something that tells you line, poly, 
> point, etc., in the blocks and how they map to a built-in pylib class?
The thing is, shapefiles are not really a format I use a lot.  I tend to 
work on things that I actually use the most.
>   If you had more of a wiki format to the documentation, I know I 
> would have modified the docs to make things clearer as I've been 
> muddling through.  Perhaps making a tutorial.  It's especially true 
> since I've been teaching myself about shapefiles as well.
That's a good idea.  Making a tutorial has always been on my to-do list, 
but I never seem to get the time.  It would be a great if someone would 
step up and contribute one.

> Kurt
> ----Original Message Follows----
> From: Jeff Whitaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> CC: matplotlib-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Matplotlib-users] Basemaps - shapefile import/display 
> for points
> Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 06:27:50 -0600
> KURT PETERS wrote:
>> OK Jeff, Thanks for your help on the previous question - I had been 
>> playing with different projections and resolutions, so that's why the 
>> comments didn't match the actual settings in the procedure calls.  
>> Now for a "real" problem:
>> I'm trying to plot the cities from this web site: 
>> http://nationalatlas.gov/metadata/citiesx020.faq.html
>> using that shapefile, which uses points, not polygons (it took a long 
>> time to figure out that difference from the example of fillstates.py).
>> http://nationalatlas.gov/atlasftp.html?openChapters=chpref#chpref
>> While I think I'm loading everything and displaying everything 
>> correctly, the values are not plotting right, nor do they seem 
>> realistic.
>> For instance the point values look like this (which really can't be 
>> right):
>> Shape num Fairbanks, coords=(42082.855349492747, 5336578.2660309337)
>> Shape num Anchorage, coords=(-442294.67146861833, 5031412.4918638617)
>> print shp_info - the second value shows to use points not polys:
>> (35432, 1, [-174.20294189453125, 17.711706161499023, 0.0, 0.0], 
>> [178.87460327148437, 71.290138244628906, 0.0, 0.0])
>> Dictionaries:
>> ['STATE_FIPS', 'NAME', 'POP_2000', 'FEATURE', 'COUNTY', 'STATE', 
>> STATE_FIPS = 02, NAME = Anchorage, POP_2000=260283, FEATURE = County 
>> Seat, COUNTY=Anchorage Borough, STATE=AK, FIPS=02020, CITIESX020 = 
>> 194, FIPS55=03000, DISPLAY=0, POP_RANGE=250,000 - 499,999
>> Here's the code:
>> ===============
>> import pylab as p
>> import numpy
>> from matplotlib.toolkits.basemap import Basemap as Basemap
>> from matplotlib.colors import rgb2hex
>> from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
>> # Lambert Conformal map of lower 48 states.
>> # create new figure
>> fig=p.figure()
>> m1 = Basemap(llcrnrlon=-119,llcrnrlat=22,urcrnrlon=-64,urcrnrlat=49,\
>>             projection='lcc',lat_1=33,lat_2=45,lon_0=-95,resolution='c')
>> shp_info = 
>> m1.readshapefile(r'C:\Python25\Lib\basemap-\examples\citiesx020','states',drawbounds=True)
>> ax=p.gca()
>> #define SHPT_POINT        1    Points
>> #define SHPT_ARC          3    Arcs (Polylines, possible in parts)
>> #define SHPT_POLYGON      5    Polygons (possible in parts)
>> #define SHPT_MULTIPOINT   8    MultiPoint (related points)
>> print shp_info
>> print m1.states_info[0].keys()
>> seqnum={}
>> criteriatodisplay=[]
>> ii=0
>> for shapedict in m1.states_info:
>>     if int(shapedict['POP_2000'])>100000:
>> #'STATE_FIPS', 'NAME', 'POP_2000', 'FEATURE', 'COUNTY', 'STATE', 
>>         print 'STATE_FIPS = %s, NAME = %s, POP_2000=%s, FEATURE = %s, 
>> COUNTY=%s, STATE=%s, FIPS=%s, CITIESX020 = %s, FIPS55=%s, DISPLAY=%s, 
>> POP_RANGE=%s' %\
>>         (str(shapedict['STATE_FIPS']), str(shapedict['NAME']), 
>> str(shapedict['POP_2000']),  str(shapedict['FEATURE']), 
>> str(shapedict['COUNTY']), str(shapedict['STATE']), 
>> str(shapedict['FIPS']), str(shapedict['CITIESX020']), 
>> str(shapedict['FIPS55']), str(shapedict['DISPLAY']), 
>> str(shapedict['POP_RANGE']))
>>         seqnum[shapedict['CITIESX020']]=shapedict['NAME']
>>         criteriatodisplay.append(shapedict['CITIESX020'])
>>         ii+=1
>> print ii
>> for nshape,seg in enumerate(m1.states):
>>     if nshape in criteriatodisplay:
>>         print 'Shape num %s, coords=%s' % (seqnum[nshape], seg)
>>         h= [seg[0]*0.000278,seg[1]*0.000278]
>>         ax.annotate(seqnum[nshape],h)
>> m1.drawcoastlines()
>> m1.fillcontinents()
>> m1.drawcountries()
>> m1.drawstates()
>> m1.drawparallels(numpy.arange(25,65,4),labels=[1,0,0,0])
>> m1.drawmeridians(numpy.arange(-120,-40,4),labels=[0,0,0,1])
>> p.title('Test Cities')
>> p.show()
>> =============
>> Regards,
>> Kurt
> Kurt:  I had no trouble plotting them with this script:
> m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=-119,llcrnrlat=22,urcrnrlon=-64,urcrnrlat=49,\
>             projection='lcc',lat_1=33,lat_2=45,lon_0=-95,resolution='c')
> shp_info = m.readshapefile('citiesx020','cities')
> x, y = zip(*m.cities)
> m.drawcoastlines()
> m.drawcountries()
> m.fillcontinents()
> m.scatter(x,y,2,'b',marker='o',faceted=False,zorder=10)
> p.show()
> This is adapted from the plotcities.py example, which was designed for 
> point files (fillstates.py was designed for polygon files).  In this 
> case, m.cities is just a list of x,y coordinates.  I don't know why 
> ax.annotate wasn't working for you.
> I know the shapefile stuff is non-intuitive and could use a lot of 
> work.  Perhaps when you can offer some suggestions for the docs, or 
> for re-designing the interface.
> -Jeff
> -- 
> Jeffrey S. Whitaker         Phone : (303)497-6313
> NOAA/OAR/CDC  R/PSD1        FAX   : (303)497-6449
> 325 Broadway                Boulder, CO, USA 80305-3328

Jeffrey S. Whitaker         Phone  : (303)497-6313
Meteorologist               FAX    : (303)497-6449
325 Broadway                Office : Skaggs Research Cntr 1D-124
Boulder, CO, USA 80303-3328 Web    : http://tinyurl.com/5telg

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